Professional organisations

Auckland District Law Society

Website of the Auckland District Law Society (ADLS) the professional body representing barristers and solicitors practising in the Auckland area of New Zealand. There is background to the history, function and rules of the society (including the ADLS's regulatory role) along with information relating to the work of the various committees. A full text article provides an introduction to the New Zealand legal system. The site has a searchable directory of lawyers for the Auckland region and for New Zealand as a whole.

Selden Society

Website of the Selden Society, a London-based organisation concerned with the history of English law. The Society draws its membership from lawyers, legal historians and national and university libraries based in English-speaking countries. The website provides information about the history of the Society, and about its publications (including lectures and pamphlets).

ACT Law Society

Website of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Law Society, a professional organisation based in Canberra, Australia. The site includes a directory of members, annual reports and links to legislation relating to the legal profession in ACT. There is also information aimed at the public covering specific areas of law, such as setting up a business, relationship breakdown and making a complaint against a solicitor. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

Law Society of the Northern Territory

Website of the Law Society of the Northern Territory in Australia. The Society was formed in 1968 and regulates the work of legal professionals in the Northern Territory. The site includes background information covering the history, work and officers of the society. There is information aimed at the general public such as the society's complaints procedure (including a complaint form in PDF) and details about the annual Law Week. Professional information for the Society's members covers Continuing Legal Education and membership.

Solicitors' Association of Higher Court Advocates

Website of the Solicitors' Association of Higher Court Advocates (SAHCA), which was formed in 1994 to advance the cause of solicitor advocates practising in the higher courts. The website has information about the aims of SAHCA, profiles and contact details for key officers and a members' directory. Details of seminars and conferences, PDF versions of agendas and minutes of committee meetings and full-text copies of the association's quarterly newsletter, Solicitor Advocate are also available on the site.

American Immigration Council

The American Immigration Council (formerly the American Immigration Law Foundation) which was founded in 1987 and is based in Washington DC in the United States. Full text copies of the AILF's monthly newsletter are given on the site back to 1999 along with a selection of policy reports on American Immigration. The Legal Action Center provides information aimed at lawyers involved with immigration litigation including practice advisories (practical guides to certain aspects of immigration law), briefs and other legal resources.

Law Society of Tasmania

Website of the Law Society of Tasmania, a regulatory and representative body for the legal profession in Tasmania. Details of the Society's history, committees and organisation are available on the website. There is information about becoming a lawyer in Tasmania and a directory of Tasmanian law firms. Press releases and case studies focus on the Society's work reforming the law relating to workers' compensation. Part of the site is restricted to members.

New South Wales Bar Association

Website of the New South Wales Bar Association a professional organisation representing practising barristers in New South Wales, Australia. The site has information about the association including the constitution, annual reports back to 1998, a list of members and office holders, details of various committees and statistical profiles of the NSW bar. For it's members the association arranges continuing professional education and details of various training programmes, seminars and conferences are made available on the site.

Law Institute of Victoria

Website of the Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) an organisation for members of the legal profession working in Victoria, Australia. The site provides historical and organisational information about the LIV and full text annual reports going back to 2000. The Regulation section has information on legal ethics, legal practice, complaints and other issues related to the regulation of the legal profession in Victoria. The Public area features information on legal careers, finding a lawyer, making a complaint and a collection of information sheets to various aspects of the law in Victoria.

Law Society of South Australia

Website of the Law Society of South Australia (LSSA) which is based in Adelaide, Australia. The society is a professional organisation representing over 2000 lawyers in South Australia and has regulatory powers under the Legal Practitioners Act 1981. The website provides background information to the role and functions of the Society and details of the range of services available to their members, to the profession and to the public.

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