Professional organisations

Technology and Construction Solicitors Association

Website of the Technology and Construction Solicitors Association (TeCSA) a professional body representing solicitors involved in litigation in the Technology and Construction Court. A selection of rules and protocols are made freely available (in HTML) on the site including adjudication and mediation rules, a model mediation agreement and protocols on alternative dispute resolution (ADR), information technology and expert witnesses. Additional guidance is available on arbitration and civil procedure.

City of London Solicitors' Company

Website of the City of London Solicitors' Company. This is the City Livery Company for solicitors and includes the City of London Law Society which deals with City solicitors' professional issues. Background information is given on the site covering the history of the company, the names of its officers, forthcoming events and information on how to join.

Society of Asian Lawyers

Website of the Society of Asian Lawyers (SAL), a London based organisation which draws its membership from solicitors, barristers, legal executives, trainees and students. The site provides SAL's newsletter, details of events and information about mentoring scheme. There is also a news section and a page of links.

Administrative Law Bar Association

Web pages of the Administrative Law Bar Association (ALBA) a Specialist Bar Association for public law. ALBA draws its membership from barristers, judges, solicitors, academics and students. Articles by members are available on the site, along with responses to consultation papers. There is also a newsletter and a copy of the Association's Constitution.

Western Circuit

Website of the Western Circuit, one of six Circuits in England and Wales, representing barristers practising in the South and South West of England. The site provides profiles of the Circuit officers, details of courses run by the Circuit and links to member chambers. A pamphlet details the work of the Western Circuit Free Representation Unit. This service offers free representation at tribunals for people recommended by Citizen's Advice Bureaux on the Western Circuit.

Wales and Chester Circuit

Website of the Wales and Chester Circuit, one of six Circuits in England and Wales, representing barristers working in Wales and Cheshire. The site provides background information the work of the barrister, the Bar Council and the Wales and Chester Circuit. There is a database of members which can be searched by chambers, individuals and specialisation. The records give contact details and brief profiles of individual members. There is a Circuit diary and a page of web links.

Commercial Bar Association

Website of the London based Commercial Bar Association (COMBAR) an organisation representing barristers who work in the field of international or commercial law. The site provides background information on COMBAR, the Commercial Bar, the work of a barrister and services offered by commercial barristers. The COMBAR Directory lists the chambers and individual barristers who are members of COMBAR. Publications including speeches, responses and articles can be downloaded from the site in full text along with conference papers.

South Eastern Circuit

Website of the South Eastern Circuit, the largest of the six Circuits in England and Wales. The South Eastern Circuit represents barristers practising in this area which includes Cambridge, London, Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire, Essex, Kent and Surrey. The Circuit represents members views with the Bar Council, Lord Chancellor's Department, Court User Committees and Area Criminal Justice Liaison Committees and provides training through courses, seminars and workshops. The website gives information about the Circuit's activities, officers, forthcoming events and how to join.

Honourable Society of Gray's Inn

Website of Gray's Inn, one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers and with the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The website details the history of Gray's Inn and its structure, management and activities. There is information about the building. The information for students covers admissions procedure, scholarships, awards and student activities. Application forms are available to download . There is a section on the continuing education offered by Gray's Inn including advocacy training and court pupillage.

Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Website of the Inner Temple, which is one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers with the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The site gives information on joining the Inn, scholarships and awards available, the student sponsorship scheme, student societies and courses, including continuing education courses for new practitioners. It also provides an onine catalogue covering the libraries of all four Inns of Court. Details are given about the history of the Inner Temple and there is a large collection of links to law websites.

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