Professional organisations

Hong Kong Bar Association

The Hong Kong Bar Association is the professional organisation for barristers in Hong Kong. Its website provides information about the work of a barrister and has a directory of Hong Kong barristers and barristers' chambers. There are also lists of mediators and arbitrators. Information about the Association includes its rules and regulations, Code of Conduct and annual reports. There is a selection of speeches, articles and press releases along with information about pupillage.

Supreme Court Historical Society

The Supreme Court Historical Society is a non-profit organisation which seeks to preserve and disseminate historical information about the US Supreme Court. The Society organises lectures, holds training for school teachers and publishes books, a journal and an index of Supreme Court opinions.. The website has a detailed history of the Court, with profiles and pictures of the justices and information about the different places where the Supreme Court has been sited. There is background information about how the Court works, the role of its officers and the types of cases heard.

Bombay Bar Association

Website of the Bombay Bar Association (BBA) which represents lawyers on the original side (as opposed to the appellate side) of the Bombay High Court. The site provides information about the BBA and about the Bombay High Court including daily cause lists (case schedules), notices and a list of sitting judges. There is background information to the legal system in India and links to other legal websites including Indian courts, judgements and statutes. Parts of this site are still under development.

Junior Lawyers Division

The Junior Lawers Division (JLD) is a Law Society group for LPC students, LPC graduates, trainee solicitors and solicitors who have been working for up to five years since they qualified. Its area of the Law Society website has feature articles, advice, news and information about training and networking opportunities. The JLD replaced the Young Solicitors Group and the Trainee Solicitors Group in 2008.

Property Litigation Association

Website of the Property Litigation Association (PLA), a London-based organisation which draws its membership from solicitors, legal executives and barristers engaged in property litigation. The website contains details of events and workshops, news items, and information about the work and membership of the PLA's various committees. The PLA provides a mediation facility and includes a selection of sample forms, guidance and a list of mediators on the website.

Lithuanian Association of Judges

Website of the Lithuanian Association of Judges (LAJ) a non-profit organisation established in 1993 to represent judges and secure the independence of the judiciary in the Republic of Lithuania. The site provides profiles of the members of the Board of the LAJ, copies of the association's Statutes and Judicial Ethics Code and details of their meetings, seminars, conferences and other activities. The site is available in Lithuanian only. A page of links to other Lithuanian legal sites is also given.

International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

Website of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (IAML) a "worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and expert family law specialists in their respective countries". The IAML was founded in 1986 and their aim is to improve international family law practice throughout the world. The website provides background information about the work of the academy, gives profiles of it's members and officials and details of events. Copies of the IAML Newsletter are available in PDF on the website.

ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section

Website of the Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) which is a section of the American Bar Association. The site has organisational information including details of committees, events, discussion groups and membership information. There is a list of recently published books and separate sections aimed at young lawyers and students. Details are given of TIPS journals along with full text (PDF) access to TortSource the TIPS newsletter.

American Tort Reform Association

The Washington D.C.-based American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) is dedicated to reforming the law of tort and liability. Documents available on the site include a record of tort reform in individual states and facts about the tort system and its impact on the US economy. The ATRA's annual report is also provided, detailing litigation abuse in US states. The site also features background information about class actions, medical liability and punitive damages. There are also press releases and a section providing brief summaries of 'loony lawsuits'.

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