Professional organisations

Rights of Women: empowering women to access their legal rights

Rights of Women (ROW), founded in 1975, is a charity providing legal advice and information for women and carrying out policy work and training in related areas. The website gives details of its advice lines and provides factsheets on topics including divorce, domestic violence, parental responsibility, civil partnerships, immigration and asylum and child support. It also includes policy publications and details of training and other events.

Joint Money Laundering Steering Group

Website of the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG), which is hosted by the British Bankers' Association. Membership of the JMLSG is drawn from associations working within the financial services industry and its stated aim is to "promulgate good practice in countering money laundering and to give practical assistance in interpreting the UK Money Laundering Regulations". The organisation produces guidance notes to help the financial sector interpret money laundering legislation and regulations.

Charity Law Association

Website of the Charity Law Association, a membership organisation set up in the United Kingdom in 1992 to facilitate communication and the exchange of ideas among lawyers and others interested in charity law. The site publishes some of the Association's briefing papers, responses and comments. Updates to UK charity law are also available. The site includes information on how to join, and the names and addresses of other useful contacts in the charity sector.

Law Society of South Africa

Website of the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA) the professional body representing lawyers in South Africa. The site includes contact details of constituent and council members, a calendar of events, an online copy of the Society's Constitution and information about the work of various committees and departments of the LSSA. There are links to legal news stories and to a searchable directory of lawyers. There is also a link to the Law Society's journal, De Rebus and to other South African related legal resources.

Malaysian Bar

Website of the Malaysian Bar Council. The site includes details of the members of the Bar Council, the various committees, contacts for the state bar committees and details of the Council's conferences and events. The site contains professional information including guidance to qualifying as an advocate and solicitor in Malaysia, legislation concerning the legal profession, Bar Council rulings and practice directions back to 1946. The site has information on the Bar's disciplinary powers and there is a searchable directory of lawyers, law firms and legal aid centres.

Association of Personal Injury Lawyers

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) is a UK-based organisation for lawyers of all types, and law students. Its website provides information for members of the public who have suffered an injury, a searchable directory of personal injury lawyers, APIL's responses to government consultations, information about its parliamentary work and particular campaigns, details of product recalls and other information. Parts of the site are restricted to APIL members only.

Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance

Website of the Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance (GALA) a network of independent law firms with expertise in advertising, marketing and promotion law. The website gives access to GALA's members around the world providing contact details, URLs and profiles of the law firms. Some of the law firms provide in-house articles to download. There are also updates on the advertising and marketing law in each country and a page of legal news.

Chancery Bar Association

Website of the London based Chancery Bar Association (ChBA ) which represents barristers in private practice whose work is associated with the Chancery Division of the High Court. Members of the ChBA are listed in the Chancery Bar Association Directory which is available on the website. There is an alphabetical and regional listing of chambers along with an alphabetical listing of individual barristers. There is a future events listing and copies of the ChBA's Conditional Fee Agreements are available to download in Word.

Fraud Advisory Panel

Website of the Fraud Advisory Panel which was set up in 1998 by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. The Panel's role is to "alert the nation to the immense social and economic damage caused by fraud and help both public and private sectors to fight back". Work is conducted through the Panel's four working groups: Investigation, Prosecution and Law Reform; Education, Events and Training and Cybercrime.

Personal Injuries Bar Association

Web pages of the Personal Injuries Bar Association (PIBA) a professional organisation open to barristers which holds meetings and seminars relating to personal injuries issues. The website makes a selection of full-text articles on personal injuries available in PDF along with details on how to join and contact details for officers of PIBA. Members of PIBA can access the members' area which is password protected.

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