Professional organisations

Victoria Law Foundation

Website of the Victoria Law Foundation in Australia. The Foundation is an independent statutory body established by the Victorian Parliament to act as a 'creative interface' between the public, the government, the legal profession and community organisations. The site provides a selection of online books aimed at the public and the legal profession which are made freely available as PDF documents and cover topics such as jury service, pro bono and local laws.

Association of Corporate Counsel

The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) is the in-house bar association representing attorneys who practice in corporate legal departments. The ACC was established in 1982 and draws its membership from lawyers working in 40 countries around the world. Free information includes a selection of online surveys, statistics and polls dealing with issues affecting in-house counsel and materials on multijurisdictional practice whereby US lawyers can practice in states other than the one in which they are licensed.

Committee of Advertising Practice

Website of the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP), the advertising industry's body in charge of the UK advertising codes of practice. The Codes cover broadcast and non-broadcast advertising; they are available on the website, together with information and guidance about self regulation. Reports, consultation documents and newsletters are also available.

Canadian Judicial Council

Website of the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC). The CJC was established in 1971 with the aim of improving the quality of the Canadian judiciary. Areas of work include the continuing education of judges, handling complaints against federally appointed judges and recommending on judicial salaries. A selection of FAQs provide information about the judicial system. There are also links to the Canadian Constitution, the section of the Judges Act which governs the CJC and the Council's by-laws and procedures. A list of CJC publications is provided, some of which are available in full.

American Antitrust Institute

Website of the American Antitrust Institute (AAI) a non-profit research and advocacy organisation, founded in 1998, whose aim is " to increase the role of competition, assure that competition is fair, and challenge unduly concentrated power in the American and world economy". The AAI website provides information about the activities of the Institute with the most recent activities on its home page and older items (back to 1998) in the 'Archives' section.

Competition Law Scholars Forum

The Competition Law Scholars Forum (CLaSF) was established in 2002 with the aim of promoting scholarship in the field of competition law. The website includes information about the aims and objectives of CLaSF and membership details. There is information about workshops organised by ClaSF and other events relevant to competition law. The site also has contact details for forum members and a copy of the constitution. A series of working papers can be downloaded from the site.

Human Rights Lawyers Association

The Human Rights Lawyers Association (HRLA) is a professional organisation launched in 2003 to provide a forum for lawyers, academics and students interested in human rights law. Activities of the HRLA include publishing papers and articles, organising seminars and workshops and providing consultancy and advice. The website sets out the aims of the HRLA, events and membership details. The site also provides access to conference papers and a page of annotated web links to related sites.

Isle of Man Law Society

Website of the Isle of Man Law Society, which represents and regulates advocates practising in the Isle of Man. The site provides information about the history, role and organisation of the Society, along with a selection of FAQs. There is a directory of members which can be searched or browsed by company name, practice area or individual member. Parts of the site are restricted to members only.

ScoLAG: Scottish Legal Action Group

Website of the Scottish Legal Action Group (ScoLAG), whose aim is "to promote equal access to justice in Scotland." The site provides a list of events organised by the group and access to the contents pages and selected sections from their monthly journal, ScoLAG Legal Journal. The free sections of the journal which appear in full in PDF format include the editorial, consultations, events and the web review articles which look at websites covering a particular theme. Issues are available on the website back to April 2000. The site also has a page of web links.

Criminal Law Solicitors Association

The Criminal Law Solicitors Association (CLSA) was established in 1990 to represent criminal lawyers in England and Wales. The site has legal news stories of interest to criminal practitioners and a directory of CLSA members which can be searched by postcode, name or court. There is advice for the public including what to do if you are interviewed by the police or asked to be a witness or an Appropriate Adult. A CLSA bulletin and a sentencing guidelines newsletter can be downloaded from the site. There is also a page of related web links.

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