Professional organisations

Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn

Website of Lincoln's Inn, one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers which have the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The website provides information on admission to Lincoln's Inn, sponsorship and applying for pupillage. There is also information on the history of Lincoln's Inn, staff and officers, the Bar Representation Committee and the Library.

Honourable Society of the Middle Temple

Website of the Middle Temple, one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers which have the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The website has information for students, including background to the organisation of the Bar, becoming a barrister, admission to the Inn, courses (including continuing education for new practitioners), scholarships and awards. There is information on the history of the Middle Temple, banqueting facilities, library and archive services and a diary of events.

Union Internationale des Avocats

The Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) is a non-governmental organisation established in 1927 to establish international contacts between lawyers. It seeks to promote and defend the legal profession, uphold international principles of human rights and justice and develop the body of international legal knowledge. Commissions of the UIA carry out research and development work on more than 40 aspects of law and legal practice.

Criminal Bar Association

Website of the Criminal Bar Association (CBA) a specialist bar association which "exists to represent the views of the practising members of the independent criminal Bar in England and Wales." The site includes full-text CBA newsletters from 2001 onwards, a list of events and lectures held by the organisation and recent reports of the CBA working parties. A selection of papers and fact sheets are also available to download.

Association of Muslim Lawyers

Website of the Association of Muslim Lawyers (AML), a United Kingdom based organisation concerned with issues relating to Muslims in the UK and internationally. The site introduces the aims and objects of the AML and gives details of the Executive Committee and events organised by the Association. The AML journal 'The Muslim Lawyer' is published occasionally and can be viewed on the site back to 1998. The site also includes a page of links to related organisations.

Conference of European Constitutional Courts

Website of the Conference of European Constitutional Courts an association established in 1972 to promote the exchange of ideas among European constitutional courts and other organisations with constitutional jurisdiction. The Conference holds a regular three-yearly Congress along with other specialised conferences "with a view to sharing experience as regards constitutional practice jurisprudence in a general European context".

American Samoa Bar Association

Website of the American Samoa Bar Association. The 'Legal Resources' section of the website has freely available HTML versions of the American Samoa Constitution, the American Samoa Code and an alphabetical listing of High Court cases which link to the full-text. There is an online law Digest of American Samoa arranged by subject along with a copy of the 'Rules of Court of the Judiciary of American Samoa'. Each of these sections has a search facility.

Droits d'Urgence

Droits d'Urgence is a French lawyers' association established in 1995, providing free legal advice to poor and marginalised people. The site offers basic information on the association's work and mission, including its charter and code of practice for volunteers, and its programme of legal advice / information in Paris and elsewhere. The association co-operates with a number of local authorities and humanitarian agencies in France. Its journal, News d'Urgence, and monthly bulletin, Veille Juridique, are available on the website. The site is in French.

American Bankruptcy Institute

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) was established to provide analysis of bankruptcy issues for the US Congress and the public. Membership is drawn from lawyers, bankers, judges, accountants, auctioneers and other bankruptcy specialists; parts of the site are restricted to members. The ABI's activities include the provision of education and research programmes, organising conferences and producing publications. The website gives access to a selection of bankruptcy news stories, US bankruptcy legislation and links to US bankruptcy courts.

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