Professional organisations

Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe

The Council of the Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) is the official representative body for the legal profession in the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA). It is also a Council of Europe consultative body. The website describes the CCBE's structure and work, lists its member bars and law societies and provides a directory of committee officers. The Documents section includes the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers and position papers on more than 25 subjects, ranging from access to justice and world trade to contract law and VAT.

Society of Messengers-at-Arms and Sheriff Officers

Webpages for the Society of Messengers-at-Arms and Sheriff Officers, the professional association of process servers and officers of civil courts in Scotland. A Messenger-At Arms is an officer of the Scottish Court of session, the supreme civil court in Scotland. Sheriff Officers are commissioned officials of the regional civil courts and Sheriff courts in Scotland. The pages offer a brief history of the profession, notes on the Society's international affiliations, and list of members' services outlining the range of activities in which the profession is involved.

Coventry Law Centre

Website of Coventry Law Centre, a registered charity providing free legal advice and representation to the community of Coventry. The site provides information about employment law, housing, immigration and education and welfare benefits, including fact sheets and related web links.

Scottish Council for International Arbitration

Web pages for an independent body promoting international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution facilities in Scotland. The site describes services for disputants with outline information on the Scottish legal system and tradition, emphasising Scotland's suitability as a venue for servicing and hearing disputes. A set of papers describing the handling of arbitration in Scotland, including a synopsis of the Scottish Arbitration Code 1999; Scotland and the UNCITRAL model law; and How the Scottish Courts Support the Arbitration Process are provided on the site in Word format.

Western Society of Criminology

The website for the Western Society of Criminology (WSC) is an online information resource detailing the Society's membership and scope. It aims to provide criminology scholars, students, government officials and practitioners with a forum for exchanging ideas and learning about new research in the field of criminology. The site gives information about its annual meeting, including a call for papers and participants. It provides full text access to the Society's newsletter, The Western Criminologist and to its offical journal, The Western Criminology Review.

International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs

Website of the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA), an independent international membership organisation, that aims to promote "indigenous peoples' human rights, self -determination, right to territory, control of land and resources, cultural integrity, and the right to development." The site provides information about human rights issues, indigenous issues, abstracts of IWGIA publications, and links to other organisations and institutions working with indigenous people and development issues. The site is available in English and Spanish.

European Roma Rights Center

The European Roma Rights Center (ERRC) monitors the human rights situation of Roma in Europe and offers legal defence to Romani victims in cases of human rights abuse. The organisation also publishes news about Romani civil rights and human rights abuses relating to Roma. The ERRC website provides the Center's quarterly newsletter Roma Rights, together with ERRC publications on Roma listed by country, region and theme. The site is in English, with some materials in Romani or Russian.

Food and Drug Law Institute

Website of the Food and Drug Law Institute (FDLI), a non profit organisation established in 1949 to facilitate public discussion and education on laws, regulations and policies affecting health care technologies, food and cosmetics in the United States. The website provides information about the FDLI's mission, staff, the composition of its advisory board and board of directors and its activities. These include organising conferences and academic programmes and publishing periodicals, directories and guides such as the Food & Drug Law Journal and the yearly FDA Directory.

Arbitration Centre of Mexico

Website of the Centro de Arbitraje de Mexico (CAM), an organisation offering national and international arbitration services and education and training to advance arbitration culture in Mexico. The site provides information about CAM's services including training, a selection of model clauses and agreements and full-text rules of arbitration. There is also a newsletter, details of publications and upcoming seminars and events.

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