Ordre des Avocats de Paris

Alternative title
Barreau de Paris

The Ordre des Avocats de Paris has approximately 18,000 members, who are avocats (advocates or barristers) in Paris. The website provides press releases, Le Bulletin du Barreau de Paris (back to January 2001), statistics and information on the role, regulation and history of the profession. An online directory (annuaire) of members can be searched by name, address, district, legal speciality, language spoken etc. Some pages are targeted at those with an interest in becoming an advocate; there is also a section for individuals and businesses in need of legal services, which includes information about access to justice. The links pages cover other French professional associations, the courts, government bodies, parliament, legal publishers, legal websites and more. A site map and a help screen are available and there is a password-protected area for members. The website is in French throughout.

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