Professional organisations

WILNET – Women in International Law Network

WlLNET (Women in International Law Network) is a network founded by female researchers at the Manchester International Law Centre, University of Manchester.  Its aim is to promote the work of women in international law and provide a space for discussion.  It hosts networking events and produces online material including interviews with women about their careers in law, which you can access on its YouTube channel.  Membership is open to both female lawyers at any stage in their careers in international law and students.  It is also keen to engage with other organisations

European Criminal Bar Association

The European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) is an independent organisation of specialist defence lawyers based in Council of Europe countries. The aim of the ECBA is to promote “the fundamental rights of persons under criminal investigation, suspects, accused and convicted persons”. Details of working groups covering e-evidence, human rights, extradition and European Arrest Warrant and anti-corruption in Europe are given on the site along with their working documents.

Swiss Arbitration

The Swiss Arbitration website is produced by the Swiss Arbitration Association (ASA) and brings together key resources relating to arbitration in Switzerland. There is information about the ASA - a membership organisation and arbitration think tank - and the Swiss Arbitration Centre which provides arbitration and mediation services worldwide.

Women in the Law UK

Women in the Law UK (WILTUK) is a professional networking organisation focused on promoting leadership skills, diversity and wellbeing. Its website provides resources and links on the subjects of personal development, diversity and financial wellbeing, many of which are available to non-members. It also offers referrals to legal experts, trainers and coaches. The Talking Law podcast, by WILTUK founder Sally Penni, is featured on the site.

ASEAN Judiciaries Portal

Launched in 2018, the ASEAN Judiciaries Portal (AJP), produced by the Council of ASEAN Chief Justices (CACJ), provides information about the judiciaries and legal environments of the ASEAN member states. On the main site there are pages dedicated to the CACJ activities and training courses offered, as well as a case repository. The portal also includes sections specific to the various member states, including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Chartered Trading Standards Institute

Website of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) a membership body for trading standards professionals. The site also provides trading standards and consumer protection information aimed at consumers and businesses including guides to the law dealing with issues such as consumer contracts, product safety, underage sales and weights and measures. Details of events and a link to the CTSI Journal of Trading Standards are also given.

International Trademark Association

The International Trademark Association (INTA) is a membership body representing brand owners, businesses, law firms and related trademark and intellectual property professionals. The INTA works to foster effective IP laws and policies worldwide. The website has a range of resources including model laws and guidelines, articles, research reports, podcasts and legal updates. There is also guidance aimed at SMEs and consumers focusing on registering and protecting trademarks and counterfeiting. Some of the content on the site is restricted to members only.

Public Law Wales

Public Law Wales is a membership organisation promoting discussion, education and research relating to public law and human rights in Wales. It was founded in 1999 in response to devolution and membership is drawn from members of the independent bar, solicitors in private and public practice, academics from Wales’ universities and students. Details of events and copies of recent publications are given on the site which can be viewed in Welsh and English.

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