Professional organisations

Scottish Public Services Ombudsman

Official website of the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) the body with responsibility for handling complaints about public services in Scotland. This includes local government, the National Health Service, the Scottish Government, housing associations and colleges and universities. The SPSO looks at complaints that have already been through the formal complaints process of the organisation concerned. The site provides information on how to complain and full text investigation reports.

Scottish Social Services Council

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) was established in October 2001 by the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001. Its main purpose is to register and regulate the social service workforce in Scotland . The website gives access to consultation documents, information leaflets on social work qualifications and the Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers. There is guidance on making a complaint and decisions of the SSSC can be viewed in PDF. The register of social service workers for Scotland can be searched on the site.

Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland

The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland is responsible for recommending individuals for appointment to judicial offices in Scotland. As well as organisational information about the Board, its website has guidance on the appointment process, annual reports, agendas and minutes and appointment statistics. Vacancies for judges. sheriff principals or sheriffs are advertised on the site and there is a selection of FAQs.

Judicial Studies Committee

Website of the Judicial Studies Committee, the body responsible for judicial training in Scotland. This includes training for the judiciary in the Supreme Courts (the Court of Session and the High Court of Justiciary) and the sheriff court. The site has profiles of members, annual reports and pdf copies of the Justice's Bench Book for the Justice of the Peace Court and the Equal Treatment Bench Book.

National Pro Bono Centre

The National Pro Bono Centre is a charity providing a clearing house for legal pro bono work delivered in England and Wales through the Bar Pro Bono Unit, LawWorks (the Solicitors' Pro Bono Group) and ILEX Pro Bono Forum. The website has information on the work of these pro bono charities and links are given to their websites. There is background information on pro bono work and a selection of case studies demonstrates how this work can help people who are unable to pay for legal assistance.

General Teaching Council for Wales

The General Teaching Council for Wales (GTCW) is an independent, self-regulating body for the teaching profession in Wales. It regulates admission to the profession, acts as an advocate for the teaching profession and maintains a register of qualified teachers. Users can find out more about the Council, information on professional standards and professional development and information on the qualification / registration process. The site also contains news items, links to ongoing consultations and external websites. The GTCW website can be viewed in English and Welsh.

International Competition Network

Website of the International Competition Network (ICN) an informal, virtual network of competition agencies from 92 jurisdictions. The aim of the ICN is to promote “more efficient and effective antitrust enforcement worldwide to the benefit of consumers and businesses.” The site has a directory of members with contact details and links to websites. Details of work groups, which cover advocacy, agency effectiveness, cartels, mergers and unilateral conduct, are given along with links to handbooks and reports.

American Inns of Court

Website of the American Inns of Court (AIC). These are membership organisations made up of judges, lawyers, law professors and law students and are "designed to improve the skills, professionalism and ethics of the bench and bar". The site has background, history and organisational information about the AIC's. There are details of events and news items, membership information and information on the awards made by the AIC. A directory of AIC's providing contact details can be searched by zip code or state. Parts of the site are available to members only.

International Law Students Association

The International Law Students Association (ILSA) is a non-profit organisation for students and lawyers interested in international law. Based in the United States, it has members around the world. It holds academic conferences, produces publications, holds international mooting competitions and plays an international role in the co-ordination of educational programmes. The site provides selected issues of the ILSA Quarterly and the current issue of the FOJ Newsletter (Friends of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition Newsletter).

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