Professional organisations


Website of LawWorks, an independent charitable association of solicitors in England and Wales dedicated to pro bono (free) legal advice: 'LawWorks' is the operating name of the Solicitors' Pro Bono Group (SPBG). The site describes the background, role and purpose of the organisation and gives details of LawWorks' projects. These include clinics providing free legal advice sessions, mediation services and free legal services aimed at the voluntary sector.

Bar Pro Bono Unit

Website for the Bar Pro Bono Unit, which was established to provide free legal advice and representation to those who need it. The Unit helps to put solicitors, advice agencies and members of the public in touch with barristers volunteering to give free advice, client conferences and representation in cases meeting the Unit's criteria for support. The website describes the aims and work of the Unit, with information on the sort of help provided to individuals, community groups and charities.

Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States Bar Association

Website for the professional organisation of legal practitioners and representative Bar Associations working within the jurisdiction of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court. The Association draws membership from the Caribbean islands forming the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, and St Vincent and the Grenadines) together with Anguilla and the British Virgin Islands. There is a membership listing along with the full-text of the Rules of the Bar Association and Code of Ethics.

Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution

The Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution (CEDR) was established in 1990 and is based in London. It provides legal mediation and arbitration, consultancy and training services to firms, and cases are also referred from outside organisations and the courts. The site gives full details of the services available and procedures for application. There is background information on dispute resolution services including adjudication, arbitration, early neutral intervention, expert determination and mediation.

American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence

The American Bar Association Commission on Domestic Violence is based in Washington, D.C., USA. The Commission provides support to attorneys representing victims of domestic violence. The site includes information about Commission members, an online newsletter and a selection of resources to download. These include a tool for attorneys on screening for domestic violence and a report onincorporating domestic violence into the law school curriculum.

World Customs Organization

Website of the World Customs Organization (WCO) an "independent intergovernmental body whose mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of customs administration". The site publishes historical and organisational details about the WCO. There are fact sheets on different aspects of international trade and documents relating to customs issues including harmonisation, capacity building and cross border crime. The full-text (PDF) of customs conventions and other convention documents are available, as published from the 1950s to the present.

Legal Affairs (Nuclear Energy Agency)

The Nuclear Law pages of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA). The NEA is the OECD body committed to the development of peaceful nuclear energy. The law pages outline the NEA's Legal Affairs' goals and objectives, as well as its programme of work. The "publications" section includes partial access to the Nuclear Law Bulletin, available in PDF in English or French. This bulletin covers developments in nuclear law from almost 60 jurisdictions around the world, including legislation, and legal and administrative decisions. Data is also available.

Canadian Environmental Law Association

The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA consists of lawyers and researchers who have expertise in environmental law and policy and who campaign for better environmental law for Ontario and Canada. CELA's project areas cover access to justice, pollution and health, land use and water sustainability. There are online collections of materials focusing on particular subject areas including mining and renewable energy in Ontario. The site includes organisational information on CELA details of CELA's involvement in environmental litigation.

Canadian Council on International Law

The Canadian Council on International Law was established in 1972 to promote study and analysis in the field of international law by academic, government and practising lawyers and their students. The site describes the organisation, its annual conference, membership and activities. Commentaries on international legal issues are available, along with brief details of recent events and legal developments from around the world. Additional content on the site is restricted to members only. The interface is available in English and French language but most of the content is in English only.

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