Professional organisations

American Association for Justice

Website of the American Association for Justice (formerly the Association of Trial Lawyers of America). AAJ is a professional organisation of US lawyers and attorneys working in the areas of consumer protection and civil justice. There is information on the various CLE programmes, materials and events provided by the AAJ. The 'Protecting your Rights' section has resources aimed at consumers including news, fact sheets and research on issues such as insurance reform, drug safety, product safety, medical malpractice and asbestos. Parts of the site are reserved for members only.

American Bar Association

Legal information portal and home pages of the American Bar Association (ABA), a voluntary professional association for lawyers, judges and others working in the legal profession in the United States. The site has sections covering lawyer resources, legal education and information for the public. Lawyer resources covers professional development, careers, practice resources and tools and member services. Legal education provides information on getting a law degree, admission to the Bar and Continuing Legal Education.

Office for Human Research Protections

The Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) is the division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services responsible for ensuring that human subject research complies with appropriate regulations through the provision of guidance and education to research institutions. The OHRP website publishes a range of policy guidance, including federal regulations, compliance procedures and other advice-giving materials. Policy guidance is organised by topic including consent, research, human subjects, children, prisoners, stem cells and tissue storage.

Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research

Website of Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R), a non-profit, membership organisation based in the United States concerned with "implementing, and advancing the highest ethical standards in the conduct of research". The site provides organisational and membership information along with details of past and upcoming conferences and PRIM&R publications. There is a large collection of links to related online resources, arranged under headings such as human subjects research, animal care and research, biosafety and general ethics.

American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics

Website of the American Society of Law, Medicine and Ethics (ASLME) , which aims to provide interdisciplinary educational resources for professionals and students whose work encompasses aspects of health, law and ethics. ASLME is responsible for the publication of two major health law journals, the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics and the American Journal of Law & Medicine. Back issues and individual articles can be ordered from the site. A collection of audio presentations, lectures and talks are made freely available to download on RealPlayer 8.0.

International Association of Young Lawyers

Website of the International Association of Young Lawyers, also known as L'Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats, a worldwide professional association of lawyers aged 45 or under. The site lists AIJA officers, standing commissions with responsibility for specific subject areas and issues and national representatives. Details of AIJA events, congresses and seminars with options to down load selected congress programs in PDF format are also provided.

National Asian Pacific American Bar Association

Website describing and promoting the work of the national association of Asian Pacific American attorneys, judges, law students, and professors in the United States. The site explains the history, aims, organisational structure and activities of NAPABA with listings of current events, details of the annual convention and review of accomplishments in areas such as civil rights reform. There are details of activities for law students including moot court competitions and a directory of Association partners with contact details.

Inter-American Bar Association

Web pages describing the aims and functions of the Inter-American Bar Association (IABA). The Association was founded in 1940 by lawyers and jurists representing 17 nations and 44 professional organisations, aiming to "promote the rule of law and protect the democratic institutions in the Americas." The site sets out the IABA's objectives, purposes and organisational structure with notes on membership procedures. Information is provided on events and conferences and a copy of the most recent newsletter can be downloaded in PDF. A set of related law links is also available.

Canadian Bar Association

Official website of the Canadian Bar Association, the professional organisation for all members of the legal profession in Canada. The site gives information about the CBA structure, meetings, annual conference and current initiatives. A list of interest groups represents the Association's involvement in a full range of legal subject areas. A list of Canadian Provinces links to separate site sections for the Provincial and Territorial branches of the CBA. In addition the site features a series of news headlines, with links to full-text news releases, papers and reports.

Federal Bar Association

Official website of the Federal Bar Association (FBA), a professional organisation drawing membership from private lawyers, government lawyers and judges working in federal practice in the United States. The site provides the FBA's statements and letters to Congress and the Executive, together with Congressional testimony; it also covers the FBA's contributions to UN consultations. There is a judicial nomination tracker covering all federal courts. The site includes FBA publications, including Federal Lawyer magazine from 2007 onwards. There is a Members' area protected by a login.

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