Professional organisations

Property Bar Association

Web pages for the professional association of barristers in England and Wales specialising in property law and property-related work. The site sets out the Association's objectives, presents a programme of events, meetings and seminars and publishes papers derived from past events. An alphabetical list of members is presented in PDF. The text of the Association's constitution is also published on the site in HTML format.

Deutsche-Britische Juristenvereinigung

The German British Union of Lawyers "Deutsch-Britische Juristenvereinigung" (DBJV) was established in 1970. This is the freely accessible website of its German division, which currently has around 750 members. The site is managed and maintained by the Europa-Universit§t Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). It presents background information about the history and development of the organisation, an extract from the DBJV Charter, notes on how to join the organisation and reports from past meetings and conferences.


Website of LAWASIA, a professional association drawing its membership from "representatives of bar councils, law associations, individual lawyers, law firms and corporations" in the Asia Pacific region. The site has been designed to support LAWASIA's role in enabling an exchange of ideas and information and cooperative work between lawyers, business and government. Information is provided on the organisations membership, conferences and events, sections and standing committees. Issues statements and public resolutions of the LAWASIA council are published online.

American Society of Criminology

The American Society of Criminology is an international organisation which promotes research and education in all areas of criminal justice. It has divisions focusing on corrections and sentencing; critical criminology; experimental criminology; international criminology; people of color and crime; and women and crime. The website describes the work of the Society and provides information about its annual meeting. The Publications page includes a link to criminology abstracts.

Law Council of Australia

Website of the national council of lawyers in Australia, a professional organisation promoting and developing the role of Australia's lawyers, administration of justice and access to justice in the interests of the Australian community. The Council was formed in 1933 by a number of Australian state Bar Associations and Law Societies. The site describes the history, role and membership of the organisation, with notes about committee and sectional structure, seminars and conferences, and traineeships. Policy documents can be downloaded from the site in PDF.

Organisation of South African Law Libraries

Web pages for the professional association of law libraries and librarians in South Africa. The organisation draws its membership from staff working in law firm, academic and government libraries specialising in law and legal information management. The site provides information about the structure and work of OSALL, including their constitution in PDF, notes on membership procedures and list of committee members with contact details.

International Association of Prosecutors

The website of the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) is an online information resource that aims to stimulate international communication and cooperation amongst prosecutors. The Association, established in 1995, is non-governmental and non-political, and aims to lead the way in setting standards in the administration of criminal justice. The site includes information about the Association and its members. A section of the site gives the Association's latest annual report and a variety of documentation including minutes of meetings, standards and guidelines.

Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

The aim of the Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS), or German Institution of Arbitration, is to promote arbitration nationally and internationally. The site provides various legal texts relating to arbitration in Germany, including the 1998 Arbitration Act, plus the DIS's own arbitration rules, model arbitration clause, schedule of costs and costs calculator (all in German, English and other languages). There is a database of German arbitration case summaries (in both English and German, for the most part). DIS publications are listed and can be ordered online.

Association of Lawyers for Children

Web pages for an Association concerned with justice for children and young people within the legal system in England and Wales. The organisation draws its membership from a broad range of professionals involved in work relating to children, including solicitors, barristers, legal staff, psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians and social workers. The website explains the purpose and describes the work of the ALC. Information is given on the Association's committee, membership procedures and events.

Family Mediators Association

A website outlining and promoting the work and services of the Family Mediators Association (FMA), a charitable organisation involved in independent family mediation in domestic disputes and divorce settlements in the United Kingdom. The site describes the foundation and history of the FMA. Background information about family mediation is provided in the form of FAQs along with a selection of practical guides to download. There is also information about collaborative law and the role of family consultants. A directory of mediators can be searched by town or postcode or browsed by region.

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