Professional organisations

American College of Legal Medicine

Web pages of the American College of Legal Medicine, a membership organisation concerned with the issues arising from the convergence of medicine and the law. The College provides educational courses, works to influence policy-making, promotes research and scholarship and facilitates communication between professionals. The site presents membership, background and organisational information. There are articles, an annotated list of related websites and guidelines for expert witnesses. Information on the College's publications is provided including contents pages and selected free articles.

Internet Services Providers Association

Website of the Internet Services Providers Association (ISPA), the UK's trade association for internet service providers. The Association's code of practice, selected news items and organisational information are made freely available on the site. A list of current members is presented, including contacts and addresses. There are answers to FAQs about the Internet industry such as cookies, spam, children on the internet and combatting illegal content.

International Civil Aviation Organization

Website of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the UN specialised agency concerned with safety and security in air travel. The website has information about the ICAO and details of its various programmes of work, including the Aviation Security Programme, the Safety and Security Audit programme and work on environmental issues including aircraft noise and emissions. Details are given of free and chargable publications. Free materials include reports, forms and nationality marks.

Chartered Institute of Arbitrators

Web pages of the UK Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, the professional body for arbitrators founded in 1915, which aims to promote arbitration as an alternative method of dispute resolution to litigation. The website presents information on different aspects of the Institute's work and services including training courses and news items. There is a link to the Institute's wholly owned subsidiary, IDRS providing details of their commercial and consumer dispute services. Other areas of the site are restricted to members only.

British Columbia Law Institute

Website of the British Columbia Law Institute, based in Vancouver, Canada. The Institute was set up in 1997 and aims to promote the clarification of the law and its adaptation to modern social needs. The site contains background information on the Institute and includes the full-text (PDF) of its by-laws, completed reports and details of active law reform projects. Publications of the British Columbia Law Reform Commission from 1969 to 1997 can also be downloaded from the site in full in HTML, RTF or Word Perfect. A set of links to other law reform agencies is available.

British Management Data Foundation

Web pages of the British Management Data Foundation, an independent body active since 1979, with a membership base of major British companies. The Foundation is concerned with global competitiveness in business. Its website gives a profile of the Foundation and provides summaries of BMDF meetings. BMDF publications about the EU treaties of Amsterdam and Nice and the Constitutional Treaty are featured (but there is nothing available about the recent Treaty of Lisbon).

Company Law Club

Company Law Club is a website providing company law information and offering company law services. Run by Company Law Solutions Ltd., the site includes introductory information about company law, links to legislation, newsletters and other material. Its Company Law Library covers topics such as shares, trademarks, company formation, legislation and the role of directors. Links to other resources concerned with company law are available, both for UK and overseas. Forms concerned with company law can be displayed (PDF) and these originate in Companies House.

International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy

Founded in 1909 and based in Italy, the Association links academics from many countries with an interest in philosophy of law. The site contains background and organisational information about the IVR including full text copies of the IVR's constitution and procedural rules. There is information on IVR conferences and contact details of the national sections. The site hosts archives in English of the twice-yearly IVR Newsletter, including conference reports and announcements.

Law Society of Singapore

Website for the Law Society of Singapore, the professional organisation serving legal practitioners in Singapore. The site contains information about the Society's history, structure, functions and services and features information aimed at the public covering legal topics such as buying and selling a house, making a will, arrest and bail, Faraid or Muslim inheritance law and the courts system in Singapore. The site also carries a directory of Singapore law firms and practitioners with a search engine. Selected articles from the Singapore Law Gazette can be viewed online.

Law Society of Northern Ireland

Website for the Law Society of Northern Ireland the regulatory body for solicitors in Northern Ireland. The site provides organisational information about the Society with contact details for its Council and principal officers. There are downloadable issues of the Society's monthly journal,The Writ and High Court and Court of Appeal, Industrial Tribunal and Fair Employment decisions are provided in full text on the site. A selection of leaflets aimed at the public are provided covering a selection of legal issues such as making a will and buying and selling a house.

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