Professional organisations

Arbeitsgemeinschaft für juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen

The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für juristisches Bibliotheks- und Dokumentationswesen is an association for law libraries and legal documentation centres in German-speaking countries; it also has individual members from the library and information field. Its website provides information about the purpose and activities of the organisation, along with news, publications and links to other law library associations. The site is in German.

American Psychology - Law Society

This is the website for the American Psychology - Law Society. The site offers information of interest to members, with a News section, back copies of the society's newsletter, teaching resources and career information. The site is maintained The University of Nebraska Law - Psychology Program. Note that many of the files on the site are in Adobe PDF format.

American Board of Forensic Psychology

The American Board of Forensic Psychology is responsible for issuing the Diploma in Forensic Psychology which is a professional qualification that signifies forensic competence. Forensic Psychology is "the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system". The website of this organisation offers information on professional development in this field, forms and bylaws to download as well as an introduction to forensic psychology.

Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys

Web pages for the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys, the professional body for United Kingdom patent agents. CIPA aims to provide information on all areas concerned with patents, and the areas in which patent agents act. The website includes basic information on patents, trade marks, copyright and design as well as information and news for both qualified agents and students.

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants

The Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (JCWI) is an independent voluntary organisation which works to achieve justice for immigrants and asylum seekers to the United Kingdom (UK). In particular, it campaigns for reform to existing nationality and immigration law. Its website provides details of its current activities and forthcoming conferences and training events. It also contains factsheets on current British immigration and nationality law. is the website of the American Society of Criminology, Division on Critical Criminology and The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Section on Critical Criminology. The site aims to link scholars with interests in critical criminology by providing access to a collection of critical papers and web links to related resources.Topics covered include criminology theory, police, courts, corrections, sentencing, critical race theory, victimology, youth and crime and internet and the media.

Dispute Resolution Services: ICC: International Chamber of Commerce

Dispute resolution section of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) website. Provides information about the ICC International Court of Arbitration and other ICC dispute resolution services, covering costs, rules, model clauses and other topics. The Professional Development section has a link to the ICC Dispute Resolution Library (however, this is easier to find from The Dispute Resolution Library is partly fee-based, but has a free facility for looking up ICC awards to find out where they have been published.

Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland

The Chartered Governance Institute (formerly Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators) is an independent, self-regulating professional body, founded in 1891 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1902. It is the leading professional body for company secretaries and corporate administrators in the public, private and voluntary sectors and acts as the professional forum for members and students worldwide. The website of the UK & Ireland branch contains information about the Institute and details of governance qualifications.

The Direct Marketing Association (UK)

The DMA (UK) is the core trade organisation for all companies in direct marketing in the UK. Formed in 1992, the DMA's aim is to promote and protect the direct marketing industry. Members include advertisers from a broad range of business sectors, direct marketing and telemarketing agencies, and service suppliers from printers and mailing houses to list brokers and database consultancies. The DM Code of Practice can be viewed in the Protection section of the site, but only members can download it. Best practice guidelines are freely available.

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