Professional organisations

Financial Reporting Council

The Financial Reporting Council is the UK independent regulator which deals with corporate reporting and governance. The site contains information about the work of the FRC, a list of members and the text of its annual review which summarises the work of all parts of the organisation for the year along with the Report and Accounts. There are some free copies of accounting standards on the website.

British Bankers’ Association

The British Bankers' Association (BBA) is the "leading UK banking and financial services trade association and acts on behalf of its members on all domestic and international issues that affect the sector". Their website provides information about the BBA, its activities and members, with access to information about the banking industry as a whole. It includes information on the Banking Codes, banking related news, various publications and statistics and policy issues, setting out the BBA position on various issues.

Local Government Association

The Local Government Association (LGA) represents the local authorities of England and Wales. It is a voluntary lobbying organisation whose aim is to promote better local government. The website provides access to information and briefings across the spectrum of local government issues, policies and initiatives: relating to services, housing, economic development and regeneration, etc. A large number of research briefings and discussion papers are made freely available on the site.

Northern Ireland Social Care Council

Website of the Northern Ireland Social Care Council (NISCC) the regulatory body for the social care workforce in Northern Ireland. The site gives information and news on consultations and projects and on careers, training and registration of social care workers in Northern Ireland. Publications including 'The Code of Practice for Social Care Workers' and the 'Code of Practice for Employers of Social Care Workers' are made freely available on the site.

Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission

Website of the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission (NIJAC), an independent public body, established in 2005. NIJAC recommends judicial appointments in Northern Ireland up to the level of High Court judge. The site provides details of the Commissioners and their role, guidance on how judicial appointments are made and the steps in the process. The publications section gives access to NIJAC’s policies and a guide to judicial careers in Northern Ireland.

General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland

Website of the General Teaching Council for Northern Ireland the statutory and independent body for the teaching profession in Northern Ireland. The site provides background and organisational information about the Council and gives details of consultations and a page of related web links. The Code of Values and Professional Practice, information about professional competencies and other publications can be downloaded from the site.

Ombudsman Says

The Ombudsman Says website is a joint initiative of HouseMark and the ombudsman schemes dealing with housing issues: the Housing Ombudsman Service; Local Government Ombudsman; Public Services Ombudsman for Wales and the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. The site provides free access to case digests for the housing sector. Case digests can be browsed by ombudsman service, topic or type of tenure. Topics include tenancy management, adaptations, anti-social behaviour, housing benefit, repairs and rent and service charges. The cases can also be searched by keyword.

Housing Ombudsman Service

The Housing Ombudsman Service provides an independent service for dealing with complaints made against landlords and housing agents in England, including complaints against social landlords and housing associations. Its website provides information on the work of the Ombudsman and guidance on making a complaint. It also has a link to a selection of case digests and a register of social landlords in England.

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