access to justice

Systemic Justice

An NGO dedicated to advancing racial, social and economic justice by means of strategic litigation. The website has information about litigation projects,  including a BIPOC climate justice initiative. There are details of the lawyers’ network, the Community of Practice, and a ‘Community Toolkit for Change’ is available, consisting of a glossary of legal terms, a guide to strategic litigation and a set of discussion points for community groups. The site also provides reports, recorded talks and a blog.

Advocate Khoj

Advocate Khoj is an Indian law website intended for the general public. Its main purpose is to put people with legal problems in touch with qualified lawyers, via the ‘Post your Case’ section; registration is required to use this service, but there is no charge. Advocate Khoj also provides primary and secondary Indian legislation, Indian Supreme Court judgments, official forms, a glossary and other Indian legal information.

Socialist Lawyer

The journal of the London-based Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers, an association independent of any political party. The journal is available the Society’s website from issue 42 (November 2005) onwards. It covers legal developments in the UK and overseas, with a focus on civil liberties and social justice. Past issues of the journal are provided in full, in pdf format, while access to the current issue is limited to selected articles.

Service Public fr: le Site Officiel de l’Administration Française

Service-Public fr is the official gateway to the French Civil Service for individual citizens and professionals. It aims to guide citizens on public services available in France at a national and local level. In so doing, it explains rights and responsibilities, and includes a glossary of administrative and legal terms. To aid browsing, the site offers themes (argent, famille, logement, etc.) and a detailed list of dossiers. The tab on justice, for example, offers an accessible and detailed overview of the French justice system.

National Institute of Justice International Center

The National Institute of Justice's (NIJ) International Center website is an online information resource that aims to "stimulate, facilitate, evaluate and disseminate" criminal justice research and information. The Center is a part of the US Department of Justice. The resources are aimed primarily at practitioners, researchers and policymakers whose professional interests lie in the globalization of crime. The site offers access to information about the Center and its aims, recent events at the Center, an international calendar of upcoming events and NIJ's involvement with the UN.

National Institute of Justice

The website of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is the research and development arm of the United States Department of Justice. Its website covers the work of the institute, news, funding opportunities and publications. A section listing the programs currently being run by the Institute is included with links to the individual program sites. 

HEUNI: European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control

The website of the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI), is an online information resource that aims to provide information on crime prevention and criminal justice to European countries. The Institute, located in Helsinki, was formed through an Agreement between the United Nations and Finland in 1981 and forms part of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme network. The website provides a list of HEUNI publications arising from its research in the field, many of which can be can be accessed in full-text.

Criminal Justice Matters

Criminal Justice Matters is a journal which aims to provide "information and informed opinion" on topical issues of interest relating to criminal justice. The journal is produced quarterly by ISTD: The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, and published by Routledge. The Centre is a registered charity, which claims to be a non-partisan, non-campaigning body. This section is part of the Centre's site which is hosted on the King's College London server. Each issue explores a single theme in the field of criminology.

Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales

Website of the Law and Justice Foundation of New South Wales a statutory body whose purpose is to "advance the fairness and equity of the justice system, and to improve access to justice, especially for socially and economically disadvantaged people". The site has information about the Foundation's activities and research and profiles of members of the Board of Governors. Details are given of ongoing and completed projects along with copies of the Foundation's newsletters, guidelines and annual reports which can be freely downloaded from the site.

ScoLAG: Scottish Legal Action Group

Website of the Scottish Legal Action Group (ScoLAG), whose aim is "to promote equal access to justice in Scotland." The site provides a list of events organised by the group and access to the contents pages and selected sections from their monthly journal, ScoLAG Legal Journal. The free sections of the journal which appear in full in PDF format include the editorial, consultations, events and the web review articles which look at websites covering a particular theme. Issues are available on the website back to April 2000. The site also has a page of web links.

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