Website of the New South Wales Bar Association a professional organisation representing practising barristers in New South Wales, Australia. The site has information about the association including the constitution, annual reports back to 1998, a list of members and office holders, details of various committees and statistical profiles of the NSW bar. For it's members the association arranges continuing professional education and details of various training programmes, seminars and conferences are made available on the site. Guidance is given to practising in NWS and relevant NSW acts, rules and regulations regarding the professional conduct of barristers are provided. There is a database of contact details for barristers based in NSW and information relating to the provision of legal assistance in New South Wales. Copies of the association's monthly newsletter, Bar Brief is available in full in PDF back to 2005. The Library section has a comprehensive range of Australian and NSW legal links covering legislation, case law, courts, government sites, organisations, publications and a range of legal subjects.
New South Wales Bar Association
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