
Northern Territory Attorney General’s Department

Website of the Attorney General’s Department of the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia. The Department covers the NT courts, tribunals, correctional services, regulatory services and the Director of Public Prosecutions. The site gives links to the court websites which include daily lists and decisions. There are justice publications, information on the work of the NT Law Reform Committee and information aimed at legal practitioners.

Chinese (PRC) & Hong Kong Law

This research guide to the Chinese (PRC) and Hong Kong Law systems is compiled by the University of Melbourne. On the introduction page, the guide includes various recommended sources for starting Chinese legal research. Also included are pages covering legislation, case law, treaties, books, journals & theses, law reform ,and news, all with a brief description, relevant links and materials, and often a section on how to go about finding more resources. As this guide is aimed at law students, it also includes a page on citing and referencing resources.

Western Australian Legislation

The information on this website is provided by the Western Australia Parliamentary Counsel's Office. Full text Western Australian legislation includes acts in force, acts no longer in force and subsidiary legislation. Historical versions of legislation are also available. The materials can be browsed alphabetically, searched by keyword or phrase and viewed in a range of formats.

Southeast Asian region countries law

This research guide to the legal systems of the southeast Asian region, consisting of Japan, Korea and the 10 countries that comprise ASEAN, is compiled by the University of Melbourne. For each jurisdiction there are annotated links to sources of legislation, case law, books and journals, and for many jurisdictions there are also links to treaties and the constitution. As this guide is aimed at law students, it also includes a page on citing and referencing resources.

Australian legislation

This guide to Australian legislation is compiled by the University of Melbourne and made freely available on its website. Content includes pages on the different types of legislation, how to locate them, and advice on legislative research. Pages dedicated to the specific Australian states can be found under the finding legislation tab. These pages will usually consist of annotated links to the authoritative website, and then other sites providing legislation in that area. As this guide is aimed at law students, it also includes a page on citing and referencing resources.

Australian case law

This guide to Australian case law is compiled by the University of Melbourne and made freely available on its website. The guide outlines where to go to locate case law, gives annotated links to various resources and provides jurisdiction-specific pages covering the main reports produced for each state/territory and for Commonwealth Australia.

National Data Privacy Legislation

A database of data privacy legislation from jurisdictions across the world, with data privacy laws dating from 1970 until the present. Full-text legislation is available in PDF form and searchable by year and country. Some sub-national laws are included and versions of some laws in different languages (including English if possible) are also available. The database is hosted and maintained by WorldLII.

Asian and Pacific Law Guide

A legal research guide for Asia and the Pacific region, created by the library at the University of Sydney. Includes regional legal information as well as covering twenty-five individual jurisdictions. For each jurisdiction, there are annotated links to sources of legislation and cases, information about the legal system, information relating to international law (such as participation in treaties), and links to research guides.  

Refugee Council of Australia

Website of the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) the national umbrella body for refugees. The RCOA is a non-profit organisation supporting refugees and conducting research and policy analysis. The site has information aimed at lawyers dealing with asylum claims, other service providers and refugees wanting to settle in Australia. There are also guides to Australia’s asylum policies and refugees and international law.

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