
Papua New Guinea National Court

Forming part of the PACLII website, this webpage gives access to electronic versions of thousands of decisions from the National Court of Papua New Guinea, starting in 1975 through to present day. Cases can be browsed both alphabetically and by year. Alternatively, the database search option can be selected, which will allow keyword searching across the entire dataset.

Papua New Guinea District Court

Forming part of the PACLII website, this webpage gives access to nearly 1,000 decisions from the Papua New Guinea District Court, from 1995 through to present day, and updated on a yearly basis. Cases can be browsed both alphabetically and by year. Alternatively, the database search option can be selected, which will allow searching across the entire dataset.

Palau laws

Forming part of the PACLII website, this webpage provides links to limited sources of Palau law, including cases from the Supreme Court of Palau from 2008 through to present day, selected consolidated legislation, indexes to legislation, and the constitution of Palau.

Land ownership and control in Nauru

Published in 1995 and hosted as part of the E-Law journal project of Murdoch University in Australia, this paper by Peter H MacSporran focuses on those aspects of the law in Nauru which affect land ownership and control, from customary Nauru law, through the application of both German and Australian law, through to independence. The article is fully referenced and freely available, with the citation (1995) 2 Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law.

Yap state court decisions

Forming part of the PACLII website, this database contains electronic versions of selected decisions of the Yap State court in Micronesia. Cases can be browsed by year or alphabetically, or the ‘search databases’ link can be followed to allow for searching across the dataset.

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