
Lesotho Legal Information Institute

Website of LesLII a project providing access to Lesotho legal materials established with support from the African Legal Information Institute (African LII). The site provides full text judgements of the Court of Appeal, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court, High Court and High Court Commercial Division, High Court Constitutional Division and High Court Land Division. Selected legislation back to 1967 is also offered along with other documents including Law Society Rules and practice directives.

Seychelles Legal Information Institute

Website of the Seychelles Legal Information Institute (SeyLII). This site provides free access to Seychelles consolidated legislation, statutory instruments, acts as enacted and judgements of the Seychelles Constitutional and Supreme courts. Court documents- practice directions and causelists- are provided along with an eGrey Book which includes the most frequently cited legislation in Seychelles. SeyLII is a project of the Seychelles Judiciary with support from the African Legal Information Institute (AfricanLII).

Legal Abbreviations

Extensive list of abbreviations for law reports, law journals, courts, government departments, international organisations and so on, provided by Monash University Library, Australia. Covers Australia and other common law jurisdictions and public international law; also has key abbreviations from civil law jurisdictions.


JADE (Judgments and Decisions Enhanced) is a free service produced by a group of Sydney barristers. It provides a searchable and browseable collection of Australian court and tribunal decisions and aims for comprehensive coverage of new cases. There is also a case citator called ‘CaseTrace’. Cases can be bookmarked and annotated, and RSS or email alerts are available for new cases.

Australasian Colonial Legal History Library

This freely available online service includes databases of Australasian legal history accessible via AustLII. In addition to pre-1900 primary legislation and case materials from New South Wales, New Zealand, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, and Western Australia, the Library features articles from law journals and legal scholarship concerning the Colonial Period. The Library is being developed by AustLII in collaboration with NZLII as part of an ARC funded infrastructure (LIEF) grant entitled "The Australasian Legal History Library".

Tuvalu Primary Materials

Forming part of the PACLII database, this page provides Tuvaluan legislation, including the the 2008 Revised Edition of the Laws of Tuvalu; the Constitution of Tuvalu; cases from the Tuvalu High Court and Court of Appeal; and other legal materials from Tuvalu. The content may be searched or browsed.

Tuvalu High Court

Forming part of the PACLII database, this webpage provides links to electronic versions of over 100 decisions from the High Court of Tuvalu, from 1987 to 2011, and is updated on a regular basis. Cases can be browsed both alphabetically or by year. Alternatively, the database search option can be selected, which will allow key word searching across the whole data file.

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