
Australian Government: The Treasury

Official website of the Australian Treasury the department with responsibility for the Government’s economic policy. The site has organisational information and profiles of ministers. There is information and documentation on the Treasury’s areas of responsibility including company law and corporate governance, economic issues, financial services, foreign investment and taxation. Publications made available on the website include press releases, speeches, consultation documents, working papers, policy documents and annual reports.

Australian Government: Department of Finance and Deregulation

Official website of the Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation whose areas of responsibility cover delivery of the Australian Government Budget, deregulation reform, financial management of public sector bodies and government procurement. The site has information on the structure of the Department and its Business Groups. Legislation administered by the Department is linked to on the site and there are policy and corporate documents and budgetary information available to view.

International Law Library

This WorldLII library brings together 76 searchable databases concerning international law. The databases include the International Courts and Tribunals Collection which has, among others, decisions of the International Criminal Court, the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Caribbean Court of Justice and the Timor Leste Special Panel for Serious Crimes. The Treaties & International Agreements Collection has 7 treaties databases from international organisations the League of Nations and the United Nations.


Website of LAWASIA, a professional association drawing its membership from "representatives of bar councils, law associations, individual lawyers, law firms and corporations" in the Asia Pacific region. The site has been designed to support LAWASIA's role in enabling an exchange of ideas and information and cooperative work between lawyers, business and government. Information is provided on the organisations membership, conferences and events, sections and standing committees. Issues statements and public resolutions of the LAWASIA council are published online.

Law Council of Australia

Website of the national council of lawyers in Australia, a professional organisation promoting and developing the role of Australia's lawyers, administration of justice and access to justice in the interests of the Australian community. The Council was formed in 1933 by a number of Australian state Bar Associations and Law Societies. The site describes the history, role and membership of the organisation, with notes about committee and sectional structure, seminars and conferences, and traineeships. Policy documents can be downloaded from the site in PDF.

Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute

The Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute (PacLII) provides free internet access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. Islands covered by the service include American Samoa, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. A site search form allows specific database selection and query with boolean functionality.

Indigenous Law Resources

A service developed and hosted by AustLII as part of  collaboration with the Council for Aboriginal and the Australian Research Council on Reconciliation and Social Justice in Australia. Provides a collection of primary documents on the subject of  indigenous law, relating particularly to Australia: parliamentary papers, government reports, policy documents, reports and submissions by civil society organisations, documents relating to test cases, and material concerning indigenous advocacy.

World Law : Mongolia

Part of WorldLII's World Law service containing links to Internet resources for Mongolia. A full range of browse and search features is provided by the site. Browse sections include links covering Mongolia's Courts, Government, Lawyers, Legislation, Parliament and Treaties and International agreements, supported by sites offering an introduction to Mongolian Law.

World Law: Bhutan

Section of WorldLII's World Law service covering the Kingdom of Bhutan in the Eastern Himalayas. Browse sections highlight links relating to the Government and Legislation. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to Bhutan on all of World Law, in Other Indexes and in Law Journals. A web spider search facility offers high focus searches of selected remote sites. Site help and on screen translation facilities are also available.

World Law : Turkmenistan

World Law Index and Search service covering Turkmenistan. Link collections include materials relating to the Government and Legislation with specific subject sections dealing with Privatisation, and Taxation, Revenue and Customs. A stored search will automatically query all of World Law for items about Turkmenistan. A limited area search engine offers high focus searches of selected remote sites. The World Law service is run by WorldLII from the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

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