
United Kingdom Legislation

A web database, forming part of the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) service, containing the full-text of unconsolidated statutes made by the United Kingdom Parliament from 1988 to date. Full text revised primary legislation from 1267 onwards is provided from the UK Statute Law Database (SLD) database. An alphabetical browsing menu links to legislation listed by title, complemented by comprehensive search options. BAILII is a collaborative service aiming to provide free access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

Historical Laws of Hong Kong

Historical laws of Hong Kong, scanned from the original print sources, provided by University of Hong Kong Libraries. The contents are derived from the revised consolidations of Hong Kong laws from 1901, 1912, 1923, 1937, 1950 and 1964 (last updated to 1989). The laws are searchable  by chapter or ordinance number, title and edition; individual editions may be browsed by ordinance title. 

Hong Kong Ordinances

A web database containing current English language ordinances for Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, available on HKLII, the Hong Kong Legal Information Institute service. The system includes options to search ordinances and search ordinance titles. A contents table enables users to browse the collection alphabetically by title. Links to an English Subject Index to Ordinances and Historical Laws Index are also provided.

World Legal Information Institute

The World Legal Information Institute (WorldLII) is a collaborative initiative providing free access to legislation, case law, treaties, law reform reports and law journals, for jurisdictions worldwide. WorldLII was developed by the Australasian Legal Information Institute and a number of partner institutions. The service combines access to all materials held in the AustLII, AsianLII, BAILII, CanLII, CommonLII, CyLaw, NZLII, PacLII, SAFLII and HKLII resource systems.

Hong Kong Legal Information Institute

The Hong Kong Legal Information Institute (HKLII) is a joint project to provide free access to the primary legal materials of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The project partners are the University of Hong Kong Law and Technology Centre, and AUSTLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute. Search and browse options offer access to a range of full-text databases: the judgments of the Court of Final Appeal (1997 to date), the judgments of the Court of Appeal (1946 to date), and judgments of the family and district courts, and the Lands Tribunal.

Anguilla Financial Services Legislation

Collection of legislation relating to the regulation of financial services in Anguilla, a British dependent territory in the Caribbean, provided online by the Anguilla Financial Services Commission. Includes acts and regulations relating to the Financial Services Commission, the Anguilla Utility Token Offering and Utility Tokens Exchange, money laundering, banking, trusts, companies, insurance, mutual funds and non-profit organisations. 

Financial Consumer Agency of Canada

Website of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, a federal regulator established in 2001 to oversee consumer issues in the financial services sector. The site provides information about the Agency's history, role and mandate, and details of the federal and provincial organisations it regulates, such as banks, credit unions, trust and loan companies, insurance companies, retail associations and co-operative credit associations. The site is arranged into sections aimed at consmers, industry and the media.

WEX : LII's collaborative legal dictionary and encyclopedia

Wex is an ambitious effort to construct a collaboratively-created, public-access law dictionary and encyclopedia. It comprises a series of guidance summaries on legal topics in United States law, sponsored by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School and made freely available on the LII website. Broad topics covered by the series include: Commercial law; Criminal law and Criminal procedure; Employment; Energy; Intellectual Property; International law; Legal ethic; and Tax.


Collection of freely accessible Finnish law databases produced under the auspices of the Finnish Ministry of Justice (Oikeusministeri¸). Finlex has an English language interface outlining the nature of the legislative materials included, however the majority of texts are only available in Finnish, Swedish or Sami. It encompasses all laws and decrees published in the Finnish Statute Series since 1987 and compilations of laws and statutes published before 1987. Texts of legislation published after 1995 are available to download in PDF format.

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