
Auswahl wichtiger Erlasse zum Liechtensteinischen Recht

This subscription site is managed by GMG Verlag AG and provides a full-text selection of the main Liechtenstein legislation accompanied by an index to all the subject areas covered. The Acts have index numbers which enable the user to see where they fit in to the overall range of legislation. All texts are in German. A search engine enables users to retrieve Acts using key terms and guidelines. Examples are given to assist with search techniques. The site content is current to date and individual Acts include subsequent amendments.

Parlamento Italiano

Official website of the Italian parliament, containing information about its members, functions and the election of a president. The site is published in Italian only. It contains the text of all laws (leggi) from 1996 onwards. These can be browsed by date, by type of act and by subject. Legislation in progress can also be browsed, along with the decreti-leggi currently being considered and decreti-legislativi from 1996 onwards. Reports, agendas and other documents relating to parliamentary proceedings are also provided along with information on the work of parliamentary committees.

Turkey Law Guide

An annotated research guide to Turkish government and law internet sources compiled by the US Law Library of Congress and made freely available on the web. The guide is aimed at legal researchers with the emphasis on websites providing the full-text of laws, regulations and court decisions. There are links to sites in both Turkish and English. Areas covered by the guide include the constitution, the executive, legislation, legal guides and general sources including background, economic and country information.

Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales

The Direction Générale des Collectivités Locales is the French general directorate of local authorities. It defines the rules for the operation and organisation of local authorities in France, distributes state funds to local authorities, and collects and disseminates local authority financial and statistical data. Its website offers a number of official documents relevant to local administration. The DGCL aims and objectives are available and an organisational chart. The site publishes maps and tables of statistical and financial data.

Law by source: federal

Online guide to federal law sources on the internet prepared by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law Library and made freely available on the web. Links are given to federal legal materials available on the Legal Information Institute's own site including the US Code and Supreme Court decisions and to the websites of executive, judicial and legislative federal government agencies.

Consolidated Acts of Samoa 2023

A PacLII database containing legislation from 2023 Consolidation of Laws of Samoa. Acts can be browsed by title, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, offers free access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Fiji Consolidated Legislation

A PacLII database containing Fiji legislation from the 1985 Revised Edition of the Laws of Fiji, arranged alphabetically. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, provides free access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative of the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Tonga Consolidated Legislation

A PacLII database containing consolidated legislation of Tonga from the 1988 revised edition. The acts can be browsed by title or year, and there is a search facility. PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, offers free access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. It is a joint initiative involving the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Vanuatu Legislation

A PacLII database containing full-text legislation in HTML format from Vanuatu. The legislation is taken from the 1988 consolidation with subsequent acts from 1998 onwards. Act name search and browse options are provided. Other indexes provided on the site include an Index of Statutory Orders, Acts and Regulations of the Vanuatu Parliament 1980 to 2008 and a Numerical List of Revised Acts 1988. The service is hosted and developed by PacLII, the Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute, which provides free access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific.

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Official site of the Ontario Human Rights Commission which was established in 1961 to administer Ontario's Human Rights Code. The agency is accountable to the Legislature through the Minister of Citizenship. The site provides general information about the Commission and about the various rights Ontarians are entitled to. It also contains the full-text of the Human Rights Code, annual reports of the Commission, consultation and discussion documents, policies, plain language publications and guides.

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