
The British Safety Council

The British Safety Council is concerned with occupational health and safety. It works with companies in the UK and worldwide, to develop safe systems of work. The British Safety Council provides consultancy for the Health and Safety Executive and has campaigned for much UK health and safety legislation. The website has information about the organisation's many campaigns and details of training courses offered.

New South Wales consolidated acts

An AustLII database featuring consolidated legislation for New South Wales, provided by the NSW Parliamentary Counsel's Office. The system also offers a comprehensive search facility, act name search, and alphabetical browse list. AustLII, the Australasian Legal Information Institute is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology to provide free internet access to legislation and cases for Australia.

Australian Capital Territory Numbered Acts

An AustLII database containing Acts for Australian Capital Territory (ACT) 'as made' from 1989 onwards. The system offers a comprehensive search facility, act name search, alphabetical browse list and recent updates list. Data is supplied by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel's Office.The Australasian Legal Information Institute provides free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australian jurisdictions. AustLII is a collaborative public service developed by the Faculties of Law at University of Technology in Sydney and University of New South Wales.

Australian Capital Territory Current Acts

An AustLII database featuring current Australian Capital Territory Acts. Data is provided by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel's Office. The legislation can be searched by keyword or browsed by act name. The Australasian Legal Information Institute provides free Internet access to legislation and cases for Australian jurisdictions. AustLII is a collaborative public service developed by the University of Technology in Sydney.

Geneva Conventions and Commentaries

Section of the International Committee of the Red Cross website devoted to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their protocols. The four Conventions are: Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field; Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea; Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War; and Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War.

India Code

Free web database containing the text of the acts of the Parliament for India from 1834 to date. The site also features lists of central acts, updated acts and a chronological status table for acts. The database may be searched by short title, year, act number, or keyword. Guidance on searching and the legislative drafting process are provided. The website also includes links to the Constitution of India, court websites and government departments.

Tax Links

A privately maintained non commercial site established in July 2001 by Stefan Gross, a German tax specialist. The site provides guided links to a wide range of tax related sites, arranged under headings covering news, e-billing, international tax, practice tools for practitioners and legislation. The emphasis is on tax and taxation matters in Germany. Tax Links is a freely accessible service but some listed sources may be restricted. The site can be viewed in German only.

Irish Legal Information Initiative

The Irish Legal Information Initiative (IRLII) is a free site providing Irish legislation, cases and a journal index including a few full-text articles. The site is run by University College Cork Law Faculty to complement the services offered by the British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII). IRLII contains the text of leading Irish cases and recent Irish statutes prior to inclusion in BAILII. Cases can be browsed by subject, court and date. Statutes are available from 1999 onwards and statutory instruments from 2002. 

Alberta Statutes and Regulations

A CanLII database containing Consolidated Statutes and Regulations of Alberta province in Canada. A collection query form supports full-text and title searches with Boolean functionality and collection selection options. An alphabetical jump index gives access to title browse lists. CanLII, the Canadian Legal Information Institute, is a key service providing free access to Canadian primary legal materials. The service has been designed by LexUM at the University of Montreal (using software developed by AustLII) on the initiative of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.

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