
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Study

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was enacted into law in the United States on October 28 1998. Section 104 of the DMCA required the US Copyright Office to carry out this study, which is now published on their website. The study seeks to evaluate the relationship between technological change and copyright law, focusing on copyright related issues such as first sale doctrine, temporary incidental copies and archival copying of computer programmes. Feedback on these issues from the library community, publishers and private citizens forms part of the study. 


Portal service for online Norwegian legal information, created jointly by the Norwegian Bar Association, the Norwegian Association of Lawyers and the Centre for Continuing Legal Education (Juristenes Utdanningssenter). This is a freely accessible Norwegian language site offering links to online resources such as laws, regulations, case law, preparatory works, legal theory and the websites of government departments, law firms and societies. The site also publishes news and general information about courses, conferences, events and publications.

Church of England Measures

One of a series of concise factsheets produced by the House of Commons Information Office and published on the website of the UK Parliament. The Church of England Measures factsheet, last revised in 2010, provides a brief history of how the internal government of the Church came under Crown control. Current legislative procedure for the Church of England is clarified, with particular emphasis on the legislative powers remaining with Parliament.

Northern Ireland Legislation Factsheet

Factsheet produced by the House of Commons Information Office (UK) and published on the Parliament website. The Northern Ireland Legislation Factsheet, last updated in 2010, provides a brief history and clarification of legislative procedure in Northern Ireland, with a particular emphasis on legislative powers remaining with the UK Parliament. Topics discussed include legislative practice before devolution, devolution and the Northern Ireland Assembly, Northern Ireland business in the House of Commons, and tracing Orders and Irish/Northern Irish Acts.

House of Commons Background Paper: Public Bills - Commons Library Standard Note

Detailed briefing paper on UK legislative procedure, produced by the House of Commons Library and published on the UK Parliament website in December 2012. Covers government bills, private members' bills, hybrid bills and other types of bill. Also has a section on the Parliament Acts and a section on more specialised procedures such as the carry-over of bills to a new session of Parliament.

Federal Maritime Commission

Established in 1961, the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) is "an independent regulatory agency responsible for the regulation of oceanborne transportation in the foreign commerce of the U.S." The site contains: full text of relevant legislation; details of Commission bureaux and offices; Commission rules; and speeches and news releases from 1997 onwards; as well as more specific information relevant to specific regulated entities.

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) "promotes and coordinates at institutional level the fight against doping in sport in all forms". WADA was established under the terms of the Lausanne Declaration on Doping in Sport which followed from the first World Conference on Doping in Sport in Lausanne, Switzerland, on February 2-4, 1999. WADA monitors compliance with the worldwide standrad for anti-doping regulation - the World Anti-Doping Code. The website contains material on the development, acceptance and implementation of the world anti-doping code.

Poppleston Allen Licensing Solicitors

The latest news on licensing laws is given by a firm of Nottingham based solicitors specialising in liquor, public entertainment, betting and gaming law. Brief notes are given on the current status of these regulations, but the main value of the website lies in the news updates on the latest developments and trends in legislation affecting the leisure industry in the United Kingdom. Please note that there is a section for clients only.

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