
Tasmanian Legislation

Website offering free public access to Tasmania's Consolidated Legislation Online. The project is managed by the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Tasmania, and aims to improve the availability of the full-text of the legislation. The site publishes Acts consolidated to 1st February 1997 and new legislation since then, as well as statutory rules from the beginning of 1998. Users are offered plenty of guidance, help and background information to help them to differentiate between the sessional and historical versions of the legislation.


NetRegs aims to provide practical assistance to managers of small or medium sized businesses in Scotland and Northern Ireland to help them comply with their environmental responsibilities. Produced jointly by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency, it is designed specifically to help clarify and simplify the environmental legislation affecting manufacturing and service sector operations. The site provides guidance by environmental topic or business type. 

European safety and health legislation

Website of the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work. The Agency was set up by the European Union to serve the information needs of those interested in occupational health and safety issues in member countries. This section of the site provides access to directives, standards and guidelines along with other official documentation of the European Union. Full text legislation is linked to on the EUR-Lex database. There is also guidance to health and safety legislation of individual member countries with links to key texts provided on external sites.

Task Force on Life and the Law

Web pages of the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law, on the website of the State's Department of Health. The Task Force was formed in 1985, and convenes to consider important public policy issues to do with advances in medicine. A fact sheet on the website outlines the Task Force's mandate, and how its recommendations have had an impact on US legislation and court decisions.

Quebec Laws and Regulations

Les Publications du Québec, the Québec government printer, provides Québec legislation for free on its website. Both statutes and regulations are available as amended ("revised"); the statutes are in English and French while the regulations are in French only. There is a search facility covering the revised legislation, as well as an alphabetical index by title of statute (with links to corresponding regulations). Copies of the Gazette officielle du Québec are also available back to 1996. The site can be viewed in French or English.


Florida Law Online

An independent website developed by attorney James H. Wyman as a service for lawyers, students and the public. The site is a gateway to online legal information relating to the U.S. State of Florida. It covers Florida case law, court rules and forms; Florida laws (including the Constitution); the Florida Executive (including opinions of the Attorney General); the legislative process (including bills and legislative rules); municipal codes and ordinances; legal journals; and legal directories. The interface allows this information to be either searched or browsed.

NATLEX database

NATLEX is a database of information about national labour, social security and related human rights laws in over 190 countries and more than 160 territories. It is maintained by the International Labour Organization's International Labour Standards Department. The records which make up the database are written by legal professionals; they consist of abstracts and bibliographic details, with links to the full text of the laws where possible. NATLEX can be browsed by country or by subject and has a sophisticated search facility.

Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories: Bills/Legislation

The website of the Legislative Assemby of the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada, provides the full text of NWT bills from 2003 onwards, together with bill summaries and information about the progress of current bills. The site also includes acts governing the Assembly and a link to a database of consolidated NWT statutes, regulations and court rules on the website of the NWT Department of Justice.

Statutes and Regulations of Newfoundland and Labrador

A collection of Statutes and Regulations provided and maintained by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, and hosted on the Newfoundland and Labrador House of Assembly website. The site contains a searchable web database of up-to-date consolidated Statutes and Regulations in HTML format. Legislation can be searched by keyword or browsed alphabetically or by department. Annual Statutes are available online for each year back to 1990. A table of public statutes can be browsed alphabetically showingthe parts of statutes that have been amended or repealed.

Statutes of Prince Edward Island

Collection of statutes provided by the Legislative Counsel Office on the official website of the Government of Prince Edward Island, Canada. This site contains the full-text of the statutes of Prince Edward Island, presented in an alphabetical list by title, by Department and including a keyword search engine. Texts offered on the site are unofficial consolidations of statutes prepared by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, and are in PDF.

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