

Legislation.gov.uk website is hosted by the National Archives on behalf of the UK Government. It is a free official site providing all legislation from 1988 onwards and most legislation prior to 1988 (apart from secondary legislation). N.B. Many revised versions of acts are offered, but these are often not up-to-date. The content can be browsed by type (e.g. UK Public General Acts, Scottish Statutory Instruments), or searched by title, year, type or number. Users can go directly to sections for United Kingdom, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland legislation.


The JURE (JUrisdiction Recognition Enforcement) is a database of case law developed by the European Commission. It is now part of EUR-Lex. It contains judgments of the European Court of Justice and the courts of Member States concerning the Brussels Convention (1968), the Lugano Convention (1988), the Brussels I Regulation (2000), the Brussels II Regulation (2000), the New Brussels II Regulation (2003) and the New Lugano Convention (2007). The judgments are in the original language, with summaries in English, French and German (and the original language, if available).

Legal Information Institute (Cornell Law School)

The Cornell Legal Information Institute (LII), founded in 1992, provides free access to US federal and state legal material, including US Supreme Court decisions, decisions of the US Courts of Appeals and other federal courts, the US Constitution, the United States Code, state constitutions and statutes (via links to state websites), and state regulations. Secondary materials on the site include 'Wex', an open access legal dictionary and encyclopedia, and the 'Introduction to Basic Legal Citation' by Peter W. Martin.

Bangladesh Election Commission

This is the official website of the main electoral body of Bangladesh which is responsible for administering elections in the region. It provides access to background information on the operation of the electoral system, electoral laws and key statistics on votes cast in all elections from 1973 to date. Also accessible is recent news and election results and official government press releases relevant to the topic. The site can be viewed in Bengali with an English interface.

ABA Lawinfo.org

This gateway to information on legal topics that affect daily life, developed and maintained by the American Bar Association (ABA), aims to make freely available easy to understand information about law and the legal system of the United States for the general public. Resources are arranged under the following headings: the courts, criminal justice, buying & selling, your family, your home, your job, your finances and finding a lawyer.

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (Ireland)

The Irish Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment was created to put into practice government policy in the areas of enterprise development, employment promotion, trade development, protection of workers and the regulation of businesses.  The site offers a wide range of publications such as acts, bills and reports listed under the following subject headings: employment rights information, employment appeal tribunals, labour force development, enterprise programmes, enterprise strategy and state aids, industrial relations, information for immigrants, consumer protection, competit

Law Reform Commission of Ireland

The mandate of the Irish Law Reform Commission is to formulate recommendations for law reform and ensure the law is kept under review. It also produces restatements of the law of Ireland and is responsible for the Legislation Directory (formerly the Chronological Table of the Statutes), which lists amendments to Irish legislation. The Commission's website provides full details of its workand makes available all its law reform consultation papers and reports, free of charge, in the Publications Library.

Glossary of legal terms

Freely accessible glossary of legal terminology made available on the home pages of Dublin-based barrister Kieron Wood. The glossary is displayed in HTML and arranged alphabetically. The first page includes a shortcut to each letter of the alphabet. Definitions are mostly brief and include terms such as Appellant, Codicil, Estoppel, Garnishee, Inter alia, Locus standi, Novation, Principal, Replevin, Testator, etc. The main pages provide further information about Kieron Wood, Irish law issues and a large collection of links.

Gammel's The Laws of Texas 1822-1897

Digitised version Gammel's 'The Laws of Texas', provided by the Government Documents Department of the University of North Texas Libraries. Gammel's work is a compilation of the laws of the US State of Texas from 1822 to 1897, including early colonisation laws, constitutions, congressional sessions, legislative sessions and select journals. The site has been designed to replicate a traditional page-by-page reading experience and includes a digitised version of the original Analytical Index, which is arranged alphabetically.

European Commission for Democracy through Law

The European Commission for Democracy through Law, known as the Venice Commission, is a Council of Europe body that was established in 1990. Originally set up to assist Eastern European countries in the re-engineering of their constitutions, it now monitors and provides assistance to countries all around the world and has more than 60 member states. The website outlines the Commission's activities, which include providing advice and training to individual states on constitutional matters, elections and referendums and constitutional justice.

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