
Pinnacle St Lucia

Pinnacle St Lucia is the brand name of the St Lucia Government’s International Financial and World Investment Centre. Its website makes available St Lucia acts and regulations relating to international banking, companies, insurance, funds, trusts, money laundering and related areas.

Digital Legislative Library

Online library of current and historic legislation of Trinidad and Tobago, provided by the Law Revision Commission of Trinidad and Tobago. Includes the 2006 edition of the Revised Laws of Trinidad and Tobago updated to 2015, together with consolidated versions of the Laws as they stood in 1925, 1940, 1950, 1980 and 2004. Both primary and secondary legislation are provided. The collection includes repealed legislation, acts omitted from the Revised Laws (such as private acts) and constitutional instruments. The earliest legislation dates from the 1830s.

Indian Kanoon

Kanoon is a free legal search engine providing access to Indian laws, court judgments and tribunal judgments. Kanoon has been developed by computer scientist Sushant Sinha. The site contains over 1.4 million laws along with judgements from the Supreme Court of India, 24 high courts and 17 law tribunals. Also provided are Constitutent Assembly debates and Law Commission reports.

LexML Brasil

LexML Brasil is a Brazilian legal and legislative information portal providing free access to legal materials made available by a number of executive, legislative and judicial bodies including the Office of the Federal Solicitor General (AGU), the Office of the General Prosecutor, the House of Representatives and the National Justice Board among others. Brazilian legislation and case law can be searched and viewed in Portuguese only.

Legal Information Institute of India

The Legal Information Institute of India (LIIofIndia) was launched in March 2011. It is a collaborative project involving several Indian law schools, assisted by the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII). The LII of India provides free access to Indian legislation (including the 1836 Indian Code and some state legislation); Indian case law (Supreme Court, most High Courts and tribunals); treaties; Law Commission reports; and legal journals.

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