
Employment Cases Update

Website of Employment Cases Update, a free legal information resource published by Bath Publishing Limited. Judgments of the Employment Appeal Tribunal, High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court, back to 2010, are indexed with short headline notes, keywords and links to the full text. Employment legislation is listed and keywords provide access to relevant cases, legislation and news. You can also sign up for free email alerts.


Portuguese Legislation in English

Collection of about thirty translated Portuguese laws on the website of Portugal’s Documentation and Comparative Law Office (Gabinete de Documentação e de Direito Comparado, or GDDC). The GDDC is a statutory body attached to the Portuguese Attorney-General’s Office. The webpage also has a link to the Portuguese Constitution in English, on the website of the Portuguese Parliament (under “Legislation”).

Rules and regulations

Database of secondary legislation, both central and state, provided via the Indian Government’s web portal. States that it includes “all the Rules passed by the Parliament and the State Legislative Assemblies as well as the Sub-ordinate legislations issued by the Departments based on those Rules & Regulations”, but for some states very few instruments are currently available. The date range covered is not given, but some very old instruments (1940s onwards) are included. There is no information about amendments or revocations.

European Commission: Data Protection

This part of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Justice website deals with data protection in the European Union. There is a guide to download outlining EU citizens’ rights regarding data protection and information relating to Directive 95/46/EC (the data protection Directive). The site also has EU legislation and case law, links to national legislation and to data protection regulatory bodies in EU and EFTA member states.

Legislative Council

Legislature of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. The website’s Council Meetings pages provide information about legislative proceedings and make available bills, draft subsidiary legislation, ordinances, subsidiary legislation, legislative papers and parliamentary questions from the current and two previous sessions. A large set of older materials – going back to 1884 - may be found on the Records of the Legislature pages.

Sovereign Base Areas Cyprus

The Sovereign Base Areas (SBA) of Cyprus are British overseas territories with their own administration and legal system. Almost all current SBA legislation is available on the SBA website via an index of legislation in force. There is also an index to repealed and revoked legislation, a list of multilateral treaties applicable to the SBA and a set of constitutional documents. There are descriptions of the court system and procedure, but no judgments are available.

Focus Business Services

Focus Business Services provides law, tax, accounting and other services for international clients. Cyprus double taxation treaties and Cypriot tax and companies legislation are available in English on its website, together with general tax and company information relating to Cyprus.

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