
Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is an executive agency of the Department of Health. It licenses and monitors medicines and reviews their advertising. Its website provides information about the work of the MHRA; it includes regulatory guidance, regulations, EU directives, consultation documents, newsletters and reports. Topics covered include the licensing of medicines; the licensing and regulation of herbal medicines; the regulation of medical devices; the regulation of nanotechnology; and clinical trials of medicines.

Food Standards Agency

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) is responsible for food safety and food hygiene throughout the UK. It is a government body, set up by act of Parliament in 2000. The FSA website provides information about research programmes, public consultations, food safety management and enforcement of food standards regulations. Materials available on the site include UK and EU legislation, official guidance, consultation papers, surveys and statistics.

President of Azerbaijan

The official website of the President of Azerbaijan, providing information on Presidential duties and schedules and news of the President. It has a history of the country and the text of the constitution, in the section entitled "Azerbaijan". The structure of the administration is also listed. The site has a section headed "Documents", containing letters, decrees, orders, addresses, declarations, statements and laws, which are kept up-to-date. The site is available in Azeri, English and Russian.

Office of the Revenue Commissioners

The Office of the Revenue Commissioners is the Irish government body responsible for collecting taxes and duties and implementing import and export controls in Ireland. Its website has information about the services of the Revenue, taxation and duties. Tax legislation, tax treaties, official guidelines, annual reports and other documents are also provided. The site can be viewed in English or Irish; some content is also available in a variety of other languages.

Irish Human Rights Commission

The Irish Human Rights Commission is Ireland’s National Human Rights Institution, established under the UN’s Paris Principles. Its website makes available relevant legislation, policy documents, cases in which the Commission has acted as amicus curiae and selected cases from the European Court of Human Rights. There is also information about consultations and enquiries carried out by the Commission, together with press releases, speeches, a news bulletin, guidance about human rights and information about human rights proceedings.

Equality Authority

Independent Irish organisation established under the Irish Employment Equality Act 1998 to champion rights to equal treatment. Much of their work is concerned with the The Employment Equality Act , the Equal Status Act 2000 and the Equality Act 2004; it covers issues such as gender, family status, age, disability, race, sexual orientation, religious belief and membership of the Traveller Community. Summaries of legislation and policy and provided, with links to related documents. Key equality acts are available translated into ten European languages, Chinese and Arabic.

Department of Justice and Equality

Website of the Irish Department of Justice and Equality. The site provides information about relevant legislation and law reform work, including the criminal law codification initiative. There are also outlines of Irish law and policy on a range of topics covered by the Department; the Courts Policy page includes information about legal aid. The Publications section of the site provides annual reports, policy reports, bills, legislation and other materials. Statistics, a collection of official forms and information about consultations are also available.

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