

Congress.gov is the official website for United States federal legislative information, launched in September 2012. The service includes bill texts, summary and status information with a timeline feature. The Congressional Record is available from 1989/90 (101st Congress) onwards. There are also member profiles showing legislation sponsored and co-sponsored.

Palestinian Basic Law

This unaffiliated website was created by Norwegian journalists Erik Bolstad and Tonje Merete Viken in February 2008. The site provides English translations of past and present versions of the Basic Law and drafts that were not passed. It also links to English translations of the Elections law and Presidential decrees as well as expert opinions on issues surrounding Palestinian elections.

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) regulates fertility treatment and research in the UK. Its website explains its regulatory work and provides inspection reports, policy consultation documents and other publications. The ‘About the HFEA’ section includes domestic and EU legislation and a scanned pdf version of the 1984 Warnock Report on IVF. There are information pages for donors; donor-conceived people; fertility patients; clinic staff; the media and researchers. The FAQs page includes guidance on making complaints.

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Official website for the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection. There is information about the ministry and its ministers. Summaries of relevant laws, publications and news items are given on a range of environmental issues including air pollution, animal welfare, asbestos, climate, green building and hazardous materials. There is a news feed and regular e-bulletins. The site is available in Arabic, Hebrew and English.

Jewish Virtual Library – Israeli Politics

The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) webpage on Israeli politics. There is information on the formation of a constitution and the structure of the judicial and legislative branches of government. The section entitled Laws and Liberties provides information on freedom of the press, freedom of religion, and background on Supreme Court judgments. The page also provides a link to html copies of the basic laws of Israel.

ICL - Germany Index

Part of the ICL (International Constitutional Law) project managed by the University of Bern, Switzerland. Provides an unofficial English-language translation of the German Constitution, which is known by the name Grundgesetz (Basic Law). It includes amendments made up to and including the 29th amendment of July 29th 2009.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia

Official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia. There is information about the Foreign Affairs Minister and the Ministry. Under Diplomatic Relations there are contact details for Georgia's embassies and information on Georgia's bilateral and multilateral relations and with various international organisations. The website is available in Georgian and English.


Parliament of Georgia

The Parliament of Georgia website, containing a list of the members of parliament, and recent news. From the homepage access is given to the constitution and regulations of the parliament in pdf format, in English; however, the legislation pages are in html format and only available in Georgian. The International Acts section has links to international conventions, agreements and treaties of which Georgia is a party, as Word documents. There is also a section of useful links to sites of the ministries and courts. Most of the page is available in both English and Georgian.

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