
Laws & Regulations Database of the Republic of China [Taiwan]

Database of Taiwanese updated legislation translated into English, provided by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China (Taiwan). The legislation consists of acts, regulations and directions and includes early instruments such as the Land Act of 1930 (as amended); to display the full text of an instrument, click on ‘Article Content’. Taiwanese treaties are available on this website too, from about 1950 onwards; a large proportion are in English, but many of the earlier ones (roughly 1950s to 1970s) have not been translated.

Judicial Yuan of the Republic of China: Law and Regulations Retrieving System

This website provides English translations of the rulings (‘Interpretations’) of the constitutional court, the Council of Grand Justices of the Republic of China / Taiwan. Interpretations are available from 1949 onwards; they are provided by the Taiwanese judicial authority, or Judicial Yuan. The website also has a database of translated laws from about 1990 onwards. 

Die Bundesregierung

Website of the German Federal Government. Provides detailed information about the roles of different departments and the work of the Chancellor. The News (Aktuellen) section includes a page detailing the latest proposed legislation. The Service section includes a Laws page and a glossary of political terms which includes outlines of government policy on key issues. The main pages are available in German, English and French.

Database of laws and regulations

Collection of Chinese legislation in English translation, made available free of charge by the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China. Provides the Constitution and constitutional amendments, together with a large selection of laws and administrative regulations, mainly from the 1990s onwards. Can be browsed by broad subject area (also has a search facility, but this does not seem to work properly).


Website monitoring the protection of fundamental rights in Europe, provided by the University of Bologna’s Interdepartmental centre for research in European Communities Law (CIRDCE), the Lelio and Lisli Basso Foundation and European Magistrates for Democracy and Freedoms (MEDEL). The site makes available a collection of journal articles, studies and other commentary, under ‘Comments’.

Assemblée Nationale du Burundi

The website of the National Assembly of Burundi describes its history, function and structure. Also provided are the parliamentary agenda, parliamentary bills and the text of legislation enacted from 2004 onwards. The website is in French. Some information on the history and structure of the Assembly is provided in English.


Parlamentsspiegel is the parliamentary documentation system of the German states (Laender). It provides databases of parliamentary papers (Drucksachen), parliamentary debates (Plenarprotokolle) and official gazettes (Gesetzblaetter), covering various date ranges. Some Federal publications are also available, notably the Federal Official Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt), from 1980 onwards. To search for bills and laws only, see ‘Gesetzgebung’. The site is entirely in German.


DIP is the documentation and information system of the German national parliament, the Bundestag. It provides parliamentary papers – including bills – and parliamentary debates from December 1976 onwards. The main DIP page covers the 16th parliamentary term onwards (18th October 2005 - ). Users may browse this section of the site by theme, or select the dedicated search facilities for consultations (Beratungsabläufe), activities (Aktivitäten) or documents (Dokumente). For documents from earlier parliamentary terms, select ‘DIP 8.-15 Wahlperiode’. The site is entirely in German.


Every issue of the Bundesgesetzblatt, the German Federal Official Gazette, is provided free of charge on this website by the official publisher, the Bundesanzeiger Verlag. Part I (Teil I) contains laws and ministerial orders and is available from 1949 onwards; part II (Teil II) contains international agreements and is available from 1951 onwards; the Index (Fundstellennachweis) is also provided. The free version can be browsed by date, but for searching, printing, copying or downloading a subscription is required. The site is in German only.

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