
Central Bank of Bahrain

The website of the Central Bank of Bahrain, which has a section on the relevant laws, under Regulatory Functions. Under Laws and Regulations there is a quick search box and an option to search by rule number. The full texts of various laws are available in html. The general webpage also gives information about the Central Bank, the monetary policy, banking operations, publications and data, consumer information and the financial sector. The Arabic version of the website is currently under construction.

Political Database of the Americas

A non governmental project maintained by the Center for Latin American Studies at Georgetown University, USA in collaboration with other bodies. It was started in 1995. A principal feature of the site is a study of the constitutions of the Latin American countries, with the full text of the relevant Constitution. For each country suggestions are made of additional supporting literature but only the bibliographical information is available. There is also background information about other topics including the electoral system and political parties of the countries.

Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft

Official site of the Federal Authorities of the Swiss Confederation. Provides background information about the Swiss Confederation, the Federal Council and Federal Administration, with links to the current Constitution and the sites of the individual Swiss Cantons. Includes a free database of Swiss legislation in the official languages. Also has selected laws in English; these translations are for information only. A selection of federal publications is available to download in PDF format. It is possible to subscribe to current news from the Federal Administration.

Milli M clis

The National Assembly of Azerbaijan’s website, which is entirely in the Azeri language. There is a section on the composition of the Assembly and a breakdown of committees and bodies. The site sets out the rules of procedure of the Assembly and its history. Under 'Qanunlar' (Laws) is found a list of legislation (regularly updated and in html) in date order back to 1999. There is also a search facility. The 'Cari Fealiyy t' section has links to html annual reports and draft laws, with discussion boards.

The constitutional court of Azerbaijan republic

The official website of the Constitutional Court of Azerbaijan, providing information on the history and up-to-date news surrounding the court. There is a list of the members of the court with profiles on each member. The website publishes decisions of the court (most recent published 2009) in pdf and word formats. Under “Legislation” is found a copy of the Constitution and the Law relating to the Constitution, also in pdf and word. The site is available in Azeri, English and Russian.


Official law website for the Principality of Monaco, provided by the Ministère d’Etat. The legislation section comprises the Monaco Constitution; the Civil Code, Penal Code, Commercial Code and other codes; it also has individual laws from 1920 onwards. Draft laws and recently passed laws are provided under the heading “Actualité législative”.

The DoJ & CD

Website of the Department of Justice & Constitutional Development, South Africa. Provides a detailed description of the individual South African courts and their position in the court hierarchy with a link to the court’s own site if available. A section on legislation gives access to Acts and Regulations relating to the work of the department which have been passed since 1994. There are additional sections relating to Bills, Draft regulations, Rules and Practice directions. The 1996 South African Constitution is also available (updated to 16th amendment, 2010).

Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique

The Société Québécoise d'Information Juridique, SOQUIJ, produces a range of priced publications and products aimed at law schools and the legal profession. But its website also includes content freely available to everyone, “services aux citoyens” and “ressources pour tous”. Court decisions from the Cour du Québec and from other Quebec courts and tribunals are online, as well as decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada and federal courts. Decisions date from 2000 mainly, and are mostly in French with some decisions translated into English.

Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania

Official website of the parliament (Seimas) of the Lithuanian Republic. Contains detailed information regarding the history, structure, operation and workings of the Parliament, including the various parliamentary officers and sub committees, parliamentary documents and press releases, and public and international relations information. Contains a searchable database of full text English translations of Lithuanian legislation. Also contains English translations of all relevant EU legislation. The site can be viewed in Lithuanian and English.

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