
Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional

Site of the Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional, the Bolivian national assembly (‘plurinacional’ in that it represents all the various indigenous and ethnic communities in Bolivia). Full-text access is available to recent Acts and Bills and to the Bolivian Constitution in PDF format. An outline is provided of the aims and objectives of the Assembly. A Press section, arranged by subject area, provides photos and notes concerning recent events. An additional section is concerned with transparency and public access to information and provides relevant legislation in full text.

Governo da Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau (Imprensa Oficial)

Website of the Government Printing Bureau for the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR).  The site has full text legislation and codes along with copies of the official gazette back to 1976.  Information and legislation relating to governmental organisations is also given. There are links to other government websites including the database of Macau legislation - LegisMac. The site can be viewed in Chinese and Portuguese only.

Database of Federal Statute Names

Free database of popular names of US federal statutes, compiled by Yale’s Lillian Goldman Law Library. The main focus is on names which do not communicate clearly the subject of the legislation, for example the ‘Rankin Act’ and the ‘Serve America Act’. For each statute, the official citations and short title (if any) are given. Each statute title is categorised using the following list of types: Sponsor, Description, Honor, Case, Tribe, Victim, Political Description, Location, Undefined, Award, Abbreviation, Acrostic, Private Law, Institution.

Government of Saint Lucia

The official government website of Saint Lucia provides latest news, tenders and public notices on its homepage. Government announcement, speeches and other official documents can be viewed and downloaded on the “Resources” page. The link marked “Archive” links to the old version of the Saint Lucia government website which, although no longer updated, is still live, and provides links to the constitution and selected codes and regulations, which are not yet available on the new website.

Droit des affaires au Tchad

Collection of legal materials relating to business and company law in Chad, on Droit-Afrique.Com, a web portal to business law in French-speaking Africa. The site gives details of pan-African organisations of which Chad is a member and provides fiscal, commercial, welfare, investment and mining laws of the country. There is a page of links to the websites of African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Chad. The site is in French only.

China Guiding Cases Project

Collection of ‘guiding cases’ decided by the Supreme People’s Court of China, translated into English and made available by the China Guiding Cases Project (CGCP) at Stanford Law School in the US. Guiding cases are decisions that have been designated as leading cases, under a procedure introduced in 2010. The website also includes expert commentary on the cases. The Law Summaries page has outlines of the Chinese law of contract, intellectual property, labour and the environment/natural resources with links to translated laws on these subjects. The website is in English and Chinese.

Droit des affaires en République Centrafricaine

Collection of legal materials relating to business and company law in Central African Republic, on Droit-Afrique.Com, a web portal to business law in French-speaking Africa. The site gives details of pan-African organisations of which Central African Republic is a member and provides fiscal, commercial, welfare, investment and mining laws of the country. There is a page of links to the websites of African organisations and other sites providing legal information on Central African Republic. The site can be viewed in French only.

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