
Prime Minister of the Republic of Cameroon

This is the official website of the Prime Minister of Cameroon. It provides a profile of the Prime Minister, copies of speeches (in French) and details of activities. Biographies are given for other members of the government and there is background information on Cameroon including an outline of the legal system, the economy and tourism. Legislation can be viewed in full text on the site in French only.

Council of Europe Publishing

Council of Europe Publishing is the Council of Europe's official publisher and this website is its online bookshop. It provides a full catalogue of priced CoE publications, printed and electronic, from the last ten years. Titles are arranged under the following headings: Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, Congress, Human Rights, Law, Health, Society, Environment, Population, Local and Regional Democracy, Education, Modern languages, Youth, Culture, Sport, Communication, European issues and Non-official languages. Basic and advanced search facilities are available.

Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section

Website maintained by the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the United States Department of Justice. This freely accessible site aims to be a clearinghouse for legal information relating to computer crime and intellectual property crime. The site provides information on cyber-crime, news updates highlighting recent additions to the site and links to recent documents. There are sections focusing on computer crime, intellectual property and electronic evidence.

Landmark Judicial Legislation

A collection of key acts establishing and developing the structure of the judiciary and the authority of the Federal Courts in the United States of America. The site has been compiled by the Federal Judicial History Office at the Federal Judicial Center in Washington DC. A browse screen presents a timeline listing of the legislative measures with links to the relevant documents made freely available in HTML format. Materials include article III from the US Constitution and 21 statutes of historical significance. The online texts are taken as published from United States Statutes at Large.

Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute

The Pacific Islands Legal Information Institute (PacLII) provides free internet access to legislation and cases for jurisdictions in the South Pacific. Islands covered by the service include American Samoa, the Cook Islands, Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, the Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Pitcairn, Samoa, the Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. A site search form allows specific database selection and query with boolean functionality.

Government of Lesotho

This is the official website of the African kingdom of Lesotho. It provides information on the structure and function of government in the region and its recent activities. It includes access to the full text of the Constitution, lists of cabinet members and a directory of government websites including links to all the main departments and ministries. Also available are recent government press releases and political speeches.

Principality of Liechtenstein

Portal to official information about the Principality of Liechtenstein. It provides information on the history of the region and the current composition, structure and functions of its government. This includes a listing of all members of the government, descriptions of the work of the Parliament (Diet), and a chronological history and current biographies of the royal family. Some information is also available about foreign relations and the relationship between Liechtenstein and the European Union and other international entities. This site is available in German or English.

German Business Law

This site is produced by Joachim Rudo, a Berlin based attorney who has compiled a selection of English language resource guides relating to different areas of German law. This page focuses on German business law and includes commentary on German corporate law, antitrust law and competition law, distribution systems in Germany, intellectual property rights, insolvency law, employment law and social security in Germany. There are links to German legislation, courts and governmental websites.

Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit

The aim of the Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit (DIS), or German Institution of Arbitration, is to promote arbitration nationally and internationally. The site provides various legal texts relating to arbitration in Germany, including the 1998 Arbitration Act, plus the DIS's own arbitration rules, model arbitration clause, schedule of costs and costs calculator (all in German, English and other languages). There is a database of German arbitration case summaries (in both English and German, for the most part). DIS publications are listed and can be ordered online.


An information resource site developed by the International Institute for Animal Law and the National Anti-Vivisection Society in the United States. The site publishes law-related information and provides access to publicly available legislative materials dealing with animals rights and welfare primarily in the US. Legal issues surrounding the use of animals in product testing, medical research and other laboratory situations are covered. AnimalLaw offers a facility to search laws by US state or at federal level, or by citation or bill number.

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