
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Website presenting the text of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, included on the official site of the Department of Justice Canada. The Charter is an important statement of human rights policy and is enacted as Schedule B to the Constitution Act 1982 (1982, c.79). In the UK, the Charter is Schedule B to the Canada Act 1982 (1982, c.11). The Charter is presented on the site in English and French language versions in HTML format.

Juridisk Nettviser

A resource site and Internet gateway service giving access in particular to Norwegian primary and secondary legal materials on the Internet as well as providing comprehensive link collections covering other Nordic countries (including Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland and Sweden, other jurisdictions round the world and international and European law in general.) The service has been developed as a joint project by the Law faculties at the Universities of Oslo, Bergen and Tromso in Norway.

Translated Norwegian Legislation

A searchable Web database providing free access to full-text Norwegian legislation (acts and regulations) in English translation. Legislation may be searched by date, number or words in the title. On screen help is offered on making searches. The database indicates dates, document numbering, language and format of the available translations. The translations are unofficial documents and only updated at the time of translation. Possible formats for linked texts include: HTML, PDF or Word. Bibliographic information is given for acts unavailable in electronic format.

Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong

Website of the Intellectual Property Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The site has information arranged under the following headings: trademarks; patents; design and copyright including laws, circulars, practical information for users and FAQs. There is also organisational information about the Department as a whole and notices from the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Journal relating to trademarks, patents and designs. There is background information on intellectual property and how to apply for registration in Hong Kong.

National Human Rights Commission, India

Website of the National Human Rights Commission, India. A body set up by Indian statute in 1993, the Commission has a legal mandate to protect and promote human rights in India. The site includes information on the composition of the Commission and a full-text copy of the Protection of Human Rights Act 1993.There are selected human rights case summaries and details of programmes of work being undertaken by the Commission covering issues such as the abolition of bonded labour, the right to food and the rights of the disabled.

Canadian Legal Information Institute

The Canadian Legal Information Institute (CanLII) provides free access to a comprehensive range of Canadian primary and secondary legal materials, including federal and provincial laws as amended and as passed, case law, books, articles and reports. The service was created jointly by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada and LexUM, the computer law research team at the University of Montreal. The site is available in both English and French, the official languages of Canada.

Statutes of Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231

Web pages containing an English translation of the Statutes of Pope Gregory IX for the University of Paris, 1231, as published in English originally by the University of Pennsylvania Press, 1897, pp.7-11, and presented on the Internet by Paul Halsall. Gregory's Statutes concern the relations between the Chancellor of the University and the Bishop of Paris, the appointment of the Chancellor, the licensing of masters of theology, and the licensing of masters in medicine and arts.

Irish Statutory Instruments

A BAILII database containing Irish Statutory Instruments (SIs) from 1922 onwards. The SIs may be browsed by title or year, or searched. The British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII) is a collaborative service aiming to provide public access to primary legal materials for the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.

World Law: Myanmar (Burma)

Section of WorldLII's Countries service covering the Union of Myanmar (Burma). A range of browse and search features are available on the site. Browse sections highlight links relating to Government, Legislation, and Parliament along with subject areas including Foreign Investment and Human Rights. A collection of stored searches will automatically search for materials relating to Myanmar on all of WorldLII.

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