
Ministerio de Justicia

Website of the Spanish Ministry of Justice, providing detailed information about the administration of justice, services for citizens and other matters. The Documentation and Publications page, under 'Servicios al ciudadano', includes Spanish codes and laws translated into English and other languages, as well as a catalogue of departmental publications. The site is in Spanish.

Congreso de los Diputados

Website of the Congreso de los Diputados, the assembly of elected members of the Spanish Parliament. The site contains detailed information on the function, composition and work of the parliament. It includes biographies of Diputados from 1810 onwards, links to TV webcasts from the chamber, details of legislation passing through Parliament, Biblioteca Digital: a digital library containing all available full-text publications of the parliamentary library (registration is required) Intervenciones: a database of parliamentary speeches and interventions.

Constitution of the Slovak Republic 1992

Web pages containing the full-text in English of the Constitution of the Slovak Republic, as passed by the Slovak National Council on 1 September, and signed on 3 September, 1992. The Constitution is set out under the following headings: basic provisions, rights and freedoms, the economy, the Supreme Control Office, territorial self-administration, legislative power, executive power, government, judicial power, the courts, the Prosecutor's Office, and special provisions.

Diário da República

Diário da República, the Portuguese official gazette, is available free on this website. It is now published in two series: legislation appears in Series I and administrative actions in Series II. Series III, which has ceased publication, used to publish official notices. Series I is available from 1910 onwards; Series II from 1990 onwards; and Series III from 1943 to mid-2006 . The site is in Portuguese.

Pennsylvania Code

Current version of the Pennsylvania Code, made freely available online by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the United States. The Code can be browsed by title and searched by keyword. The site includes instructions on how to search and cite the Code.

Maryland Code online

Online version of the Code of the US State of Maryland- a collection of legislation for the State arranged into titles according to subject. The Code is hosted by LexisNexis as one of their free online legal resources and can be browsed by subject and title or searched using a simple or advanced search form. The document includes a copy of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Maryland.

Nevada Law Library

A compilation of statutes for the US State of Nevada made freely available online on the official Nevada State Legislature website. The service offers full text access to the Nevada Revised Statutes (2009), the Nevada Constitution, City Charters and selected Special and Local Acts. The full texts are presented in HTML.

Alaska Statutes

Legislation for the US State of Alaska is freely available on the Internet through two services. A web database from the Legislative Affairs Agency, State of Alaska offers an infobase containing a compilation of statutes from 1993 onwards. The Alaskan Constitution, Session Laws and other legislative materials are also available from this site. An alternative source of Alaskan Statutes is presented by the Alaska Legal Resource Center as a compilation of statutes arranged in title number order, but this site is only up to date to 2004.

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