legal education

Rutgers Law Journal

The Rutgers Law Journal is the law review for the Rutgers University School of Law at Camden, USA and is edited by second and third year students. Each annual volume of the Law Journal comprises 4 issues, with each issue containing a collection of articles, notes, book reviews, development pieces and comments. Articles concentrate on current and interesting legal scholarship as well as some interdisciplinary topics of particular interest to the legal community. A special annual issue on State Constitutional Law under the supervision of Professor Robert F.

Indiana Law Journal

The Indiana Law Journal is a print journal (ISSN 0019-6665) published quarterly by students at the Indiana University School of Law - Bloomington. Papers deal in the main with US legal issues and occasionally with international matters. Recent topics have included tax law, use of copyright law on the internet, criminal corporate liability and sexual harassment. The website presents the full-text of articles, notes and comments published in the journal from vol.71 1996 onwards.

Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law

The Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law is a multidisciplinary print publication produced quarterly by Duke University, USA. Articles contain original scholarship on matters embracing political science, economics, history, sociology, health services, research, philosophy and ethics. The journal also includes book reviews, comments, news and notes. The website offers contents listings and article abstracts from volume 20, 1995, onwards. In addition the site features 20 year cumulative author and subject indexes covering 1976-1995.

Amicus Curiae

Amicus Curiae is the official journal of both the Society for Advanced Legal Studies and the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of London. It aims to promote scholarship and research that involves academics, the legal profession and those engaged in the administration of law. The journal began publication in 1997. The print version is published 6 times a year by the Society for Advanced Legal Studies (formerly by Sweet and Maxwell). The website includes tables of contents, notes for authors and information concerning the Society for Advanced Legal Studies.

Cardozo Law Review

Online version of the student edited journal published by the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York City, USA. Articles, notes and symposia cover a range of legal subjects including civil rights, constitutional law, legal ethics and US securities regulations. Six issues are published each year. Contents pages are available from vol.1, 1979 onwards and full text articles from vol.26 onwards can be downloaded in PDF.

Alabama Law Review

This is the full text online edition of the US law school journal published up to five times a year. Online version begins with Volume 48, No. 1, Fall 1996. The journal aims to contribute to information exchange and development of legal scholarship through the medium of the Internet.

Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta

The Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CPLEA) is an electronic service that brings together people, information and educational resources on Canadian justice and legal issues. It is available in English and French, with a special section for Alberta. The site has links to official sources of Canadian legislative materials including statutes, bills and case law. It also offers a resource centre including educational materials for the classroom and access to legal newspapers, and other reference and publicly available information.

Society of Legal Scholars

Website of the Society of Legal Scholars (SLS, a UK professional association aiming to advance legal education, which includes teaching in universities, legal research and the professional training of lawyers. The site provides organisational and membership information and details of conferences, events and SLS publications. There are web pages for the various subject sections giving details of each section's news, events and contact details. SLS newsletters are available going back to 2004 and position papers and consultation responses can be downloaded from the site.

British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association

The British and Irish Law, Education and Technology Association (BILETA) was formed in April 1986 with the primary objective of promoting technology in legal education throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. It attempts to achieve this in conjunction with the UK Centre for Legal Education (UKCLE) by promoting research projects, supporting the distribution of software and providing information on technology in law developments. The site provides membership and organisational information and access to an archive of conference papers going back to the 5th BILETA Annual Conference 1990.

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