legal education

Centro de Estudos Judiciários

The Portuguese Centro de Estudos Judiciários was set up under the auspices of the Portuguese Ministry of Justice to train judges and public prosecutors and to carry out research on judicial matters. Information about the Centre's constitution and work are provided, as well as details of publications, including the contents pages of its journal, the Revista do CEJ. Some publications are available in full, notably its studies and annual report. The site is mainly in Portuguese, but basic information about the Centre is available in English.

SSRN Legal Scholarship Network

The Legal Scholarship Network aims to facilitate the distribution of scholarly information related to law, economics and business; it is a division of the Social Science Research Network (SSRN). It is free to join the Network, but subscriptions are payable for some of the services offered. Users of the Network can access research papers, conference papers, pre-print journal articles and other scholarly writings, either in the form of abstracts, or as full-text documents. Authors can submit their abstracts and papers online, for possible publication on the LRN website.

Chartered Institute of Legal Executives

The Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEx) was formerly called the Institute of Legal Executives (ILEX). It is the professional organisation representing legal executives and trainee legal executives in the United Kingdom. Established in 1963 to provide education and training facilities particularly for non solicitor staff employed in fee earning work and in the management of firms. CILEx is also involved in the development and regulation of the professional conduct and practice standards of its members.

Human Rights Law Centre

Website of the Human Rights Law Centre at the School of Law, University of Nottingham. "The aim of the Centre is to facilitate teaching and research on human rights issues". The site includes an overview of the Centre and its members, details of research and publications emanating from the Centre and a list of conferences, workshops and courses organised by the Centre.

International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy

The International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy is an independent non-profit institute, officially affilated with the United Nations and based at the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. The website contains publications, occasional papers and reports which can be ordered online or downloaded in PDF. The site gives details of the following programmes conducted by the Centre: Corrections Programme; China Programme; Transnational Organised Crime; UN Congress on Crime and International Criminal Court.

Centre for Criminological Research and Probation Studies Unit, University of Oxford

Web pages for the University of Oxford's Centre for Criminological Research and Probation Studies Unit. The site describes the history, work and resources of the Centre and Unit which involves empirical research into current problems of criminal and penal policy in the UK. The site outlines the courses, seminars, publications and research projects undertaken by the Centre. Information about the Centre's Library, contact details for staff members and information on job vacancies are also given. Additionally a list of links to other relevant sites is provided.

Lauterpacht Centre for International Law

Web pages for the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law at the University of Cambridge. The site describes the structure, staffing, work and facilities of the Centre. Information on current projects covers the State Responsibility Project, Corporate Complicity Project, Arms Trade Treaty Project and the Customary International Humanitarian Law Project. The site also provides details of forthcoming events and publications such as the International Environmental Law Reports and the International Law Reports.

Centre for Law and Society

The Centre for Law and Society is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Edinburgh. Established in 1983, it researches criminology and legal theory. The website gives details of the Centre's publications, seminars and current areas of research. There is also information about postgraduate courses, conferences and the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime Project.

University of New South Wales Law Journal

The University of New South Wales Law Journal has been published since 1976, edited by a voluntary student body with faculty advisers. The scholarly Australian academic law journal is published three times a year, and each volume consists of two general issues and one thematic issue. The general issues contain articles on a broad range of legal issues. There is also a Forum section for debate on topics of interest to the legal community. The thematic issues focus on particular legal topics researched and selected by the Board.

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