legal education

CMNI Bar Association

Website of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Bar Association the professional body representing lawyers of the Northern Mariana Islands in the North Pacific. The site provides details of officers and committee chairs, by-laws of the Association and a directory of membersã which can be searched or browsed. The CMNI Bar Association holds an annual mock trial competition for High School students in the Northern Mariana Islands details of which are given for the current and previous years. A page of related web links is also provided.

A little grafting of Second Life into a legal research class

Online article on the use of the Second Life virtual world in the teaching of legal research skills written by Rob Hudson who is Head of Information Services, Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center - Law Library & Technology Center in Florida. The article was published in May 2008 in the features section of The author describes the various ways in which he incorporated Second Life in the teaching of his International Legal Research Skills class.

Information Literacy Resource Bank

The Information Literacy Resource Bank (ILRB) is a repository of learning resources designed for Cardiff University teachers. It has tutorials, quizzes, demonstrations, diagrams and images that can be downloaded and incorporated into learning materials. Subjects such as search techniques, citing references, databases and plagiarism are included in the repository, with a number focusing specifically on law and legal materials. Learning objects can be browsed by type or subject.

Justice Education Society

The Justice Education Society (JES) of British Columbia, Canada, conducts research, develops digital tools, gives training and provides information with the aim of strengthening justice systems and improving access to justice around the world. The JES website has information about the Society and its ongoing and completed projects.

Public Interest Law Initiative

The Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) is an American NGO concerned with promoting access to justice in Illinois. It runs a pro bono initiative, student internship programmes and graduate fellowship programmes to encourage participation in the field of pro bono legal advice. Its website has information about its activities and events and provides links and guidance for the public, pro bono volunteers, law firms, corporations and others.

Landmark Supreme Court cases

Collection of twenty US Supreme Court cases that feature on US high school and middle school social studies curriculums, accompanied by teaching materials. Developed by the Supreme Court Historical Society and Street Law, the site provides case summaries,  excerpts from the majority and dissenting opinions, newspaper and courtroom accounts of the cases, chronologies, links to related websites and a glossary.


Lexology is a subscription legal research service run by Law Business Research Ltd. The website contains articles, research reports and training videos produced by law firms, covering market intelligence, legal analysis and know-how from jurisdictions all around the world. Free registration provides access to legal news and a worldwide directory of legal experts.

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