legal education

Honourable Society of Gray's Inn

Website of Gray's Inn, one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers and with the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The website details the history of Gray's Inn and its structure, management and activities. There is information about the building. The information for students covers admissions procedure, scholarships, awards and student activities. Application forms are available to download . There is a section on the continuing education offered by Gray's Inn including advocacy training and court pupillage.

Honourable Society of the Inner Temple

Website of the Inner Temple, which is one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers with the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The site gives information on joining the Inn, scholarships and awards available, the student sponsorship scheme, student societies and courses, including continuing education courses for new practitioners. It also provides an onine catalogue covering the libraries of all four Inns of Court. Details are given about the history of the Inner Temple and there is a large collection of links to law websites.

Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn

Website of Lincoln's Inn, one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers which have the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The website provides information on admission to Lincoln's Inn, sponsorship and applying for pupillage. There is also information on the history of Lincoln's Inn, staff and officers, the Bar Representation Committee and the Library.

Honourable Society of the Middle Temple

Website of the Middle Temple, one of the four Inns of Court, colleges of barristers which have the authority to call men and women to the Bar in England and Wales. The website has information for students, including background to the organisation of the Bar, becoming a barrister, admission to the Inn, courses (including continuing education for new practitioners), scholarships and awards. There is information on the history of the Middle Temple, banqueting facilities, library and archive services and a diary of events.


Website of which provides online information for anyone wishing to follow a legal career in the United Kingdom. The information is made freely available by Globe Business Publishing Ltd in association with the Law Society. Background information is given to becoming a solicitor or barrister along with contact details for firms offering training contracts, vacation work or pupillages. Podcasts covering a range of training topics such as interview technique and working as a trainee are available on the site and a collection of law firms' brochures are available in PDF.

International Institute of Air and Space Law

Website of the International Institute of Air and Space Law, which is based at Leiden University in the Netherlands. The institute's work includes teaching at graduate and post-graduate level, conducting research and providing advice and information to governments, international organisations and airlines. Its website includes information about the work of the Institute, the Hague Space Resources Governance Working Group and the International Air Law Moot Court.

Revue juridique Thémis

Website of the scholarly journal La Revue juridique Thémis, published by the Faculty of Law at the University of Montreal, Canada. The journal comes out three times a year and includes articles, commentary, book reviews and news items. The website provides free access to issues published from 1994 onwards. Most of the articles are in French, but a few are in English or have English-language abstracts.

JURIST legal news and research

JURIST is a legal news site edited by Professor Bernard Hibbetts and hosted at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law in the United States. The site is produced by staff and students at the law school and is aimed at the legal community with emphasis given to highlighting the latest legal developments, judicial decisions and primary source materials. There are sections focusing on United States, world news and an archive of news stories going back to 2003.

Street Law Online

Street Law Online is a non-profit organisation based in the United States, dedicated to promoting learning about law, democracy and human rights. Street Law provides practical legal education materials aimed at schools, juvenile justice facilities and community based organisations. Programs cover youth courts, juvenile justice and parents and the law and include sample materials, rationales, and curricula. Details of publications on street law include some abstracts, tables of contents and some sample lessons. An online newsletter gives updates on trainings, events and resources.

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