EUR-Lex is the European Union's own free database of legal and official texts, amounting to more than three million documents. It provides EU legislation (1952-), with details of amendments and the implementation of directives; cases (1954-), with details of legislation cited and commentary in journals; treaties and international agreements; the Official Journal (1952 - ), including the authentic online issues, with digital signatures, which was launched on 1 July 2013; proposals for legislation and other preparatory legislative materials; green and white papers; reports; parliamentary questions; EFTA documents; and other EU official publications. Simple and advanced search facilities are available, as well as browsable directories of legislation, cases and other materials. Details of ongoing legislation can be found on the Legislative Procedures tab. The National Law tab providse access to the domestic legislation of the member states, details of national case law concerning the EU and other national materials. The EUR-Lex interface is available in all 24 EU official languages, but some of the documents it contains are not in all these languages.
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