
USMCA Secretariat

Website of the Secretariat established by the United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) which is an updated version of the North American Free Trade Agreement of January 1 1994 (NAFTA). The Secretariat has sections focusing on the United States, Mexico and Canada. It provides administrative support and administration of the dispute settlement process. The USMCA and NAFTA can both be viewed in full on the site along with the rules of procedure, code of conduct and procedural forms. There are links to related organisations and a selection of FAQs.


Website of MERCOSUR, the Southern Common Market, a South American trading bloc which includes Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela and Bolivia. The Treaty of Asunción 1991 and the Protocol of Ouro Preto 1994, the establishing treaties, are given on the site along with documents of MERCOSUR bodies - meeting minutes, reports, regulations and trade statistics. The site can be viewed in Spanish, Portuguese and English although information in English is limited.

Codification and Progressive Development of International Law

The Codification Division forms part of the United Nations Office of Legal affairs providing secretariat services, legal advice and preparation of draft texts of conventions and other instruments to the Sixth Committee, the International Law Commission and special committees set up to codify and develop rules of international law on particular topics. The site provides information on the work of these bodies and a searchable database of Codification Division publications.

Inatsisinik nalunaarutit

Greenland’s official legislation database, in Greenlandic and Danish. Provides Greenlandic laws and regulations, Danish legislation applicable to Greenland, and treaties applicable to Greenland. Can be searched by key word, year and/or number. Searches can be filtered by type of law, whether in force or repealed, and other criteria.


African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)

Website of the AfCFTA Secretariat providing information on the African Continental Free Trade Area. The site outlines the aims of the AfCFTA which include creating a single market for the African continent and boosting its trading position globally. There are profiles of the countries who are signatories to the agreement and an overview of the protocols which include trade in goods and services, dispute settlement and customs and trade facilitation. A full text copy of the Agreement is given along with the e-tariff book and a selection of publications produced by the AfCFTA Secretariat.

Office for Maori Crown Relations - Te Arawhiti

Website of the Office for Maori Crown Relations - Te Arawhiti, an agency of the New Zealand Ministry of Justice, which supports the Crown in its Treaty obligations. This includes negotiating and settling historical Treaty of Waitangi claims and enforcing recognition of customary legislative rights in the common marine and coastal area. Settlements and supporting documents are given on the site along with a copy of the Red Book - a guide to Treaty of Waitangi claims and negotiations with the Crown.

How parliament treats treaties

Created by Arabella Lang of the House of Commons Library at the Parliament of the UK, this research briefing provides information on the parliamentary scrutiny and ratification of treaties. An overview is available either in HTML format and the full 50-page document is in PDF format. It goes into detail over how treaties arrive in Parliament and what the powers and limitations of Parliament are.

Bilateral Labor Agreements (BLAs)

This research guide for locating bilateral labor agreements (BLAs) is maintained by the University of Chicago Library. On the Research Strategies page it gives examples of how to find specific BLAs as well as general tips on how to go about locating them. The guide also provides a number of links to key indexes and full-text treaty sources, separated into the categories of: U.S. Treaty Sources, International Treaty Sources, National Treaty Sources, and Labor/Migration Treaty Sources.

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