
Epseme Ephemerida

Online version of Epseme Ephemerida tes Kypriakes Demokratias, the Cyprus Government Gazette (or Official Gazette), provided by the Cypriot Government Printing Office on the website of the Ministry of Finance. The Gazette publishes official notices, legislation, international agreements, decisions of the Council of Ministers and other documentation. It is available here from December 2004 onwards, in Greek (although some of the treaties – in Supplement 7 - are in English/other languages).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Website of the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Provides policy information, news and guidance. Includes a collection of documents relating to the Cyprus Question and lists of multilateral and bilateral treaties involving Cyprus (with citations to Supplement 7 to the Cyprus Official Gazette, or ‘COG’). The site is available in English and Greek.

Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights

The website of the Greek Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights describes the organisation and work of the ministry and provides information about the Greek judicial and prison systems (including statistics). Guidance is provided for citizens on the subjects of human rights and access to justice.The site also has details of policy consultations. The Greek legislation falling with the Ministry of Justice’s remit is also available on the site and there is a separate section providing a collection of codes.

Hellenic Republic - Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The website of the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs has information about the ministry’s structure and officeholders and about Greek foreign policy and bilateral relations. It also gives details of services for citizens, travellers and businesses. Press releases, speeches and statements are available in the Current Affairs section.The Ministry section provides a small collection of major treaties involving Greece, in either English or French. The site is available in English, French or Greek.

UK Treaties Online

Official database of UK treaties and treaty information, maintained by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Contains details of treaties published since 1783 and the full text of treaties published in the UK Treaty Series from 1892 onwards.

Australian Treaties Database

Official database of Australian treaty information, giving the status of each treaty, its Australian Treaty Series citation and other details, plus a link to the text on the AustLII website. The database homepage also provides information about the treaty-making process, status lists for multilateral treaties deposited with the Government of Australia and other treaty-related information. The database is produced by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

New Zealand Treaties Online

Official database of New Zealand treaties, with status information, citations and other details. Basic and advanced search facilities are available and the text of most of the treaties is available in pdf format. The database is produced by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Waterlex Legal Database

The Waterlex Legal Database brings together information about national and international water law, governance and policy. It is provided by Waterlex, an international NGO. The data is partly crowd-sourced and partly obtained from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization and other official bodies. The database is searchable by key word and can be filtered by country, region and/or type of document. For many countries, extracts from legislation are available, with links to the full text on national websites.

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA): International Law

International law section of the Swiss foreign ministry’s website, covering topics such as privileges and immunities, neutrality, international humanitarian law and international agreements. Official reports and manuals are provided, together with links to relevant Swiss legislation and international conventions. The International Agreements page has a database of treaties involving Switzerland and provides information about the treaties for which the Swiss government is the depositary. The site is in French, German, Italian and most – but not all - of it is also available in English.

National Law Information Centre

The English-language version of this government website provides translations of South Korean legislation. Users can search, or browse law by subject area or by the relevant government department. A list of recently updated legislation can be found on the home page. There is also an overview of the South Korean legislative system and procedures. The Korean-language version provides Korean legislation, treaties and cases.

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