
Laws of Guyana

Consolidated laws of Guyana, arranged by subject, on the website of the Ministry of Legal Affairs. Amendments are listed on the first page of each act as well as being incorporated into the text. A search facility is provided.

Codification and Progressive Development of International Law

The Codification Division forms part of the United Nations Office of Legal affairs providing secretariat services, legal advice and preparation of draft texts of conventions and other instruments to the Sixth Committee, the International Law Commission and special committees set up to codify and develop rules of international law on particular topics. The site provides information on the work of these bodies and a searchable database of Codification Division publications.

Singapore Law Watch

Singapore Law Watch is a free legal news service provided by the Singapore Academy of Law, a membership organisation for the legal profession in Singapore. The site is updated daily covering news and legal developments in Singapore. Links are given to the latest judgements from the Court of Appeal, High Court, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore and the Tax Boards and to legislation published in the last three months.


Laws.Africa is a non-profit organisation working with African governments to make African legislation and cases available for free online. Its website provides technical information and an API developer guide; it also offers case studies, best practice guidance for publishing legal documentation online and information about naming conventions for documents.

EPPO-LEX The legal research library on the European Public Prosecutor's Office

The EPPO-LEX website is a private initiative aimed at legal practitioners and researchers working with the EPPO Regulation (Council Regulation (EU) 2017/1939) which established the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. The EPPO is responsible for investigating and prosecuting financial crimes against the EU. There is an annotated version of the Regulation which includes explanations and links to relevant provisions of the EPPO’s internal Rules of Procedures, other relevant EU legal acts and decisions of the EPPO College and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU).

Inatsisinik nalunaarutit

Greenland’s official legislation database, in Greenlandic and Danish. Provides Greenlandic laws and regulations, Danish legislation applicable to Greenland, and treaties applicable to Greenland. Can be searched by key word, year and/or number. Searches can be filtered by type of law, whether in force or repealed, and other criteria.


Pan-African Parliament (PAP)

Website of the Pan-African Parliament, the legislative arm of the African Union. The PAP was established in 2004 by the Constitutive Act of the African Union and includes representatives from all 55 member states. The site gives details of MPs and the permanent committees and sets out the objectives of the Parliament which includes formulating model laws that member states can adopt.  The site can be viewed in English and French. 

Congreso de la Republica

Website of the Congress of the Republic of Peru. The site has information on the role and functions of the Congress, a copy of the Constitution and an outline of the legislative process. There are profiles of MPs and information on the work of the various committees. The site can be viewed in French, German, English and Spanish

SEJM of the Republic of Poland

Official website of the SEJM which is the lower house of the Polish parliament. The site has full text legislation (including the Constitution) and other official publications including bills. There’s information on the history of the SEJM and profiles of the Marshal and Deputy Marshals. The Sejm Chronicle magazine covers the work of the Sejm and its committees. The site can be viewed in Polish only.

Attorney General’s Chambers of St Lucia

Website of the Attorney General of St Lucia, the principal legal advisor to the Government. The Attorney General’s Chambers includes the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property, the Legislative Drafting Unit and the Advice and Litigation Department. The site has information on all the functions and an organisational structure of the department. The Attorney General is also responsible for the revision, consolidation and publication of laws and the Revised Laws of St Lucia (2021) can be viewed in full text on the site.

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