
Corte Suprema di Cassazione

Website of the Italian Court of Cassation, providing information about the court and its administration. The ‘Servizio Online’ page gives links to Italian legislation, cases and other legal resources, including SentenzeWeb, a database of civil and criminal cases decided by the Court of Cassation in the last five years.  

Mauritius National Assembly

Official website of the Mauritian National Assembly which, together with the President, forms the Parliament of Mauritius. The site has profiles of MPs and the Speaker along with a copy of the Constitution and legislation back to 2009 which can be viewed in full. Other parliamentary proceedings including order papers, Hansard, parliamentary questions and details of committees are also given. 

Attorney General’s Office of Mauritius

The Attorney General's Office website has information about the role of the Attorney General, services provided and the functions of other office holders within the department. Ethics codes for barristers and attorneys working in Mauritius are given along with links to other Mauritian legal websites. Laws of Mauritius can be viewed including the Constitution, acts revised to 2017 and recent acts as passed. Recent bills are also available. 

Portal da legislaçao

Official Brazilian legislation portal, providing federal legislation and federal bills, together with links to state legislation, federal cases and treaties. The federal legislation section includes the Constitution, codes, laws, decrees and bills; there is a separate section for historical legislation, which goes back to the early nineteenth century.

Asian and Pacific Law Guide

A legal research guide for Asia and the Pacific region, created by the library at the University of Sydney. Includes regional legal information as well as covering twenty-five individual jurisdictions. For each jurisdiction, there are annotated links to sources of legislation and cases, information about the legal system, information relating to international law (such as participation in treaties), and links to research guides.  

Venezuela National Assembly

Website of the unicameral National Assembly of Venezuela (Asamblea Nacional) which is composed solely of a Chamber of Deputies. The site has profiles of the deputies and information on the make up and work of the various committees. Laws dating back to the early twentieth century can be viewed in full and there are national and international news items. The site can be viewed in Spanish only.

Legal Normative Documents

Database of full-text Vietnamese laws (including the 1992 constitution amended up to 2001) made freely available online by the Vietnam Ministry of Justice. The documents (including decrees, circulars, ordinances and codes) can be searched by keyword and browsed by date, type and department. There is also an advanced search option. The site is available in Vietnamese with an English interface and a number of documents translated into English.

Namibia Legal Information Institute

Website of the Namibia Legal Information Institute (NamibLII), a project of the Law Reform and Development Commission (LRDC) managed by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Namibia. The site provides free access to Supreme Court judgements and selected High Court judgements from 1990 onwards. These can be searched or browsed by date or name. Consolidated legislation is also given along with LRDC papers.

Tanzania Legal Information Institute

Website of the Tanzania Legal Information Institute (TanzLII), a project of the Tanzanian Judiciary, providing free access to Tanzania law in partnership with AfricanLII and Laws.Africa. Judgements from the various high courts and courts of appeal can be browsed by court and searched by date, name or judge. Tanzanian consolidated legislation, updated to 30th November 2019, can be browsed by title and viewed in full. The Tanzania Government Gazette is available from 2006 to date along with Judiciary of Tanzania publications and guidelines.

Legal Frameworks for Nuclear Activities

This part of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) site provides information on the legal frameworks for nuclear activities in OECD and NEA member and partner countries. Country profiles cover a range of topics including the regulatory regime, regulatory authorities and advisory bodies. There is information on nuclear installations, radioactive waste management, radioactive substances and equipment, non-proliferation and transport. Links are given to primary legislation and to other NEA publications. The NEA is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

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