
Constitution of South Sudan

Electronic copy of the 2011 Constitution of South Sudan, amended up to 2013 and made freely available by the Comparative Constitutions Project at the University of Texas at Austin. The Constitution is provided in PDF and includes sections on the Bill of Rights, citizenship and nationality, the decentralised system of government and the executive, legislative and judicial functions.

Judiciary of Ukraine

Website of the Ukraine Judiciary which provides information on the courts and judicial system in Ukraine. Information on the Supreme Court, High Court of Justice and High Anti-Corruption Court is given although names of judges and other individuals are not currently listed. There’s a searchable database of scheduled cases and legal decisions can be searched using the Unified State Register of Court Decisions. Forms and guidance aimed at Ukrainian citizens are also available. The site can be viewed in Ukrainian only.


Online platform provided by Tree & Trees JusticeMedia Group. The full text of some items is freely available online (copying restricted) and PDF copies are available for a fee. The site includes federal and state laws, regulations, court rules, and judgments (1914 – present), as well as treaties. Contact information is provided for law firms and legal experts in Nigeria, arranged by practice area.

Council of the Republic of Belarus

Website of the Council of the Republic, the upper house of the bicameral National Assembly of Belarus. The Council is the regional representative body and its main function is to approve or decline draft legislation that has been approved by the House of Representatives. Copies of current draft laws and decrees are provided. There is information on the structure, leadership and membership of the Council with details of members given back to 2000. The site can be viewed in Russian and Belarusian.

Western Australian Legislation

The information on this website is provided by the Western Australia Parliamentary Counsel's Office. Full text Western Australian legislation includes acts in force, acts no longer in force and subsidiary legislation. Historical versions of legislation are also available. The materials can be browsed alphabetically, searched by keyword or phrase and viewed in a range of formats.

Government of Anguilla

Website of the Anguillian government which provides information aimed at residents and visitors to the island. Anguilla is a British dependent territory in the Eastern Caribbean. There is information on the role of the government departments including the Attorney General’s Chambers which offers selected laws in full text and the Judicial Department which includes the courts, registries and coroner’s office. There is also a link to Anguilla Laws, a commercial site, where Anguillian legal information can be purchased.

Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa

The Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) is a non-governmental organisation working to “promote awareness of human rights in Africa and improve the effectiveness of the African Human Rights system”. The site has information on IHRDA’s work which includes representing victims of human rights violations, training human rights workers and providing information on the African human rights system. Details of IHRDA publications are given along with information about and links to the African Human Rights Case Law Analyser and the Sexual and Gender Based Violence databases.

Sexual and Gender Based Violence Database Project

The Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) Database provides free access to legal materials dealing with SGBV in 14 African countries. It is a project of the Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) and an extension of the African Human Rights Case Law Analyzer. The laws and cases can be searched by keyword, browsed by country and viewed in full text. The site can be viewed in English, French and Arabic.

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