
German Law Archive

Website of the German Law Archive which publishes cases, statutes, literature and bibliographies on German law in English its aim being to make German law accessible to any interested users. There is a selection of German legislation along with selected judgements of the Constitutional Court, Federal Court of Justice and higher regional courts. An extensive bibliography of titles on German law in English arranged by legal subject is also given on the site.

Tonga Primary Materials

This PacLII website provides access to a range of full text primary legal materials for Tonga including judgements, legislation, the Constitution and other court related information such as rules and practice directions. There are also links to other Tonga legal sites. PacLII is a joint initiative between the University of the South Pacific and the Australasian Legal Information Institute.

Romanian Ministry of Justice

Website of the Romanian Ministry of Justice, the government department with responsibility for the administration of justice and the judiciary. Background and organisational information on the Ministry of Justice is given, along with relevant legislation and caselaw. There are guides and manuals on judicial cooperation between Romania and the EU and links are given to full-text versions of the various legal codes, including the Civil Code, Criminal Code and Insolvency Code.

Presidencia: República Oriental Del Uruguay

Official site of the Uruguayan Presidency. Provides background information about the role and administration of the President, Vice President and Ministers, with links to the websites of government departments. Provides legislation from 2000 to the current year and the text of the Constitution as amended. A media section has press releases, video and photographs. The media and legislation sections are searchable. The site is entirely in Spanish.


Biblioteca del Poder Legislativo

The Biblioteca del Poder Legislativo is the library of the Parliament of Uruguay, and is also open to the public. The collections include national and foreign law. The library’s website has information about its history and provides access to the online catalogue. It also makes available a collection of digitised documents of historical and cultural importance, including some legal material.

Parlamento del Uruguay

Official site of the Uruguayan Parliament. Provides background information about the structure, role and work of the Parliament including the Senate Chamber, Chamber of Representatives, General Assembly and related Commissions, together with a wide range of legislation, documents and minutes, which can be searched by keyword or title. The website is in Spanish only. 

Foolkit: the free legal toolkit

Foolkit is a free guide to Australian legal resources compiled by Australian lawyer Andrew Rogers and aimed at practitioners and the public. For lawyers the site has sections providing links to key resources for each Australian state including legislation, court rules and cause lists, management resources and resources arranged by legal topic eg. family, business, criminal and employment law. Pages aimed at the public provide information on issues such as finding a lawyer, accessing legal aid and a guide to the legal system.

The World’s Abortion Laws

Continually-updated interactive map of global abortion laws, produced by the Center for Reproductive Rights, a non-profit legal advocacy organisation based in the United States. The map is colour-coded to show how restrictive or liberal each jurisdiction’s abortion regime is, and further details are available when users click on a country. The ‘In Focus’ feature provides the text of abortion provisions for 56 key jurisdictions. The map is downloadabe in pdf format. The interactive version has a search facility and a country comparison tool.

Interinstitutional register of delegated acts

Online register tracking the progress of EU delegated acts (a type of subsidiary legislation) and providing access to associated documents. Users can search planned delegated acts to see which procedural stage has been reached and download associated documents, such as draft delegated acts, meeting agendas and meeting minutes; search results can be filtered by policy area, status and other criteria. A list of delegated acts is also available, together with a list of the legislative acts to which they relate; these can also be filtered.

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