European Judicial Network (EJN)

The EU's European Judicial Network (EJN) aims to foster judicial cooperation between EU member states in criminal matters and to provide information and advice on mutual legal assistance to legal practitioners. The website outlines the judicial systems of 35 European countries, including all the EU member states. Legal forms are provided and there is a large amount of information about the European Arrest Warrant. There is a multilingual legal glossary (SOLON) and a link to a page of international legal instruments concerning police and judicial cooperation.

European Documentation Centre: University of Mannheim

Website describing the work, facilities and organisation of the European Documentation Centre at the University of Mannheim in Germany and offering a comprehensive collection of links to the European Union's information network and EU documentation. EU web links are provided; there is a section presenting EU information by subject area (under "Politikbereichen der EU"); there are also details about EU information networks, particularly those based in Germany. The site is in German or English.

Netherlands Institute of International Relations

The Netherlands Institute of International Relations, sometimes known as Clingendael, is an independent research body which specialises in work relating to conflict, international organisations, the European Union, NATO and the United Nations. Its website provides access to information on its purpose and current research. It includes research reports on all aspects of international conflict and security worldwide and access to the Institute's library catalogue. All information is available in English.

EUR-Lex: Preparatory Acts

Part of the EU's free EUR-Lex web database, the Preparatory Acts page gives access to proposed legislation, reports and other texts published in the European Commission's COM documents series, back to 1999, in pdf format. The documents can be searched, or browsed by year and month. The site is offered in each of the EU languages.

EU Treaties

Section of the European Union's Europa website providing links to key EU treaties and other basic instruments. The Lisbon Treaty, Treaty on European Union, Treaty establishing the European Community, Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community and Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community are all available. Other treaties and instruments include: the Single European Act and the Merger Treaty. The site is available in all the languages of the member states.


This site is maintained by the European Commission Representation in the United Kingdom to provide facts about European Union legislation and directives and to undermine any false rumours perpetuated by the British press. It examines newspaper and magazine stories from 1992 onwards. Typical examples include: "the EU is trying to ban Prawn cocktail crisps" and "bagpipes told to pipe down". Each entry makes reference to the actual EU directive involved and provides the facts.

Amsterdam Treaty: a Comprehensive Guide

This Guide is provided by the European Commission as part of its Summaries of Legislation website. It gives the background to and objectives of the Amsterdam Treaty which was signed by the European Union member states in October 1997, amending two of the EU's fundamental treaties, the Treaty Establishing the European Community and the Treaty on European Union. A number of key issues are covered, including the Treaty's bearing on international security, human rights, social policy, foreign policy, commercial policy and EU institutional reforms.

Academy of European Law

The Academy of European Law was established by the European University Institute (EUI) in 1990 to promote teaching and scholarship in the fields of European Union Law and Human Rights Law. It holds annual advanced-level courses on these subjects and publishes the content as Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law. Full details of the courses and the Academy's special projects are given on the website.


EUR-Lex is the European Union's own free database of legal and official texts, amounting to more than three million documents.

European Environmental Law Network

The European Environmental Law Network's website contains dossiers of articles and papers on air quality, European climate policy and the Francovich case, together with EU environmental case law, EU treaties and secondary legislation and other EU documentation. There is a National Pages section covering forty different countries (EU member states, candidate countries and other states such as Russia and Israel). For each country there are links to a wide variety of environmental law sites, including sources of legislation, case law and commentary.

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